OCR Text |
Show ie LITTLEFIELD 10 CHANCEL HLL OUT WEEK Maine Co ngressman Will S Several Wane S Ti imes Utah. feninee Fy INILL HEALTH Buelow N ot in Fit, | von teen e to Cop Duties O ct. terlin, | dined Gn TIME. eis te alla nice 30.-LI ai ) yon « . M ITTEE EXTENDS ¢ : ,. aM » ‘ - Li f a4 a‘ ¢ : 2 . || ‘ : pe onthe | | 4 Oof an Tot) 8} Time. rE eaT Ton FAILING to asiperial jeee ;}} 4 the rts impe Does oes DURING Appeartit Well,"ll, t yut Best ieto ithoet chs a 4s » Though Ne mot ERS Effort if sloquent : | Convincinga SS ANSW YEAR me can. ee SI rows Policies Paseriort "rity es TRADUCE HIS Orator Have to H« ww - ae the RS Republi- Dea Brought Bin itlons or op: W ue Lt i administration Lye the 1, the meeting, peaker who arraig ned } first the ou | || is "{t oe ‘F rouble Prove What to cha aint viel He held up ca. | | | Mpalitie ‘ 7 alleged its ieeeat at upon ant s avin E Thi and ipelled vel il F * K new Bott! SO D1 1 Sent : e Absolutely Free by Mai' Wil D ie oe ‘ age your all the nvince my It. Suspect y, Swamo-Root». is Great Kidney as, of The Inter-Mowatain Republican a Sample D ever very Reader of} to N ae Smeire of of itIRSye be affairs ae sks ii tration: Oe you are si Ol. che - that oy f cor Inty of the kid leyeAremedy, Breat, , aus B owman., airs * was) | (Ne oon becausao BS itthere Rook bette ie pet v- of. this wet han thane help arge.were'| a will ZENS. Riccio will.convi when thexcltize: vote ee I, a the || health aeas Ket; to6 con-| of allrcphiaret ers, the todas Heniohtce them Did contro nting on When} | ' iy. wa : Shcvivian. ¢ the | comes, pi ald Mr conver i ime politieal | a in ag ) WEAK your> KIDNEYS h | "amini of [contrel JOM. neve j ; Rk aia Germkn which ike Iver, "does Ge rmany-nor in mad lade sila; any gressman. ite AST P »| ev at so-called Ami 0p fe Atuerican, prinelple | rues ae being, iith, a err ' To | p 1000 é atari Q uestion D Over Matter Labor iscussed of Mihd Stay R ee an Not aVageaneiee | lk ength by Maine Con° of | 3 0, 1906. MR. LITTLEFIELD Shee ma FROM BEING WELL e. of = health ilth ofconditttion aor thechancellor iver since | ref the in Ogden nearlyF | North yreakdown M t. Pleas; leasant, Jue Von and Brigago Prir icereichstag Aa ores resi has bee n. a y, era eyne liccy = Ribbon! ham City Wi ieee a : Opportunity ' advisers | his friends nar y Will N Have that SLIM ais Orator. fadoe Hlearr Noted ¢ a hisnt « state o | duties of jes thefor pee wayvith he eb erly did: in < 0 cred is a | }patihe i depart8reat | ; work of of of E C. E. a 2 RE Littlefiela consequence assman Congres a ments, C. . of ment tah, | bel iy datyosi | Maine will fil. out the ae week inI Utat rbd debated Dr doreturn; ne delaved bu deliveringie addre e chancellor's t it Is} places, | -Un Hp ee COM SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, TUESDA Y, OCTOBER are a ; the NS AD TST THE INTER-MOUNT AIN REPUBLICAN, a Kid 1 Audney Had ‘Trouble - ton) party, generally ander os " wn 4 i] i Grti "Tew as out of heyealth dizzy OF} with } assembled, ai will permit a er' sred. no had flo ov or the con-| ippetite, was. : that -A-laret and en- | its conve etetal * not on on the hea s the} a my tr Tidar Of Che hall é lander: creeted Congress- | Ventition bu to. openly of | husiasti my: ee the: e cause U ¢ audience tiie ee the tak sa eeted an astic Pres of 7 her be States ary I ‘began. t : y, felt sident . Ins Diltt someh¢ pw and), -* tO. mignt and S Be 1 have Bae the irious the S hey 6 aft E a next will and .seeny Wea te sitthefield the delegaand Rk _ pleasant this HOW Bast iftel for Christian rheresis they're him, tems taste' a at 1¢ dite ae nt such SwampScience} a a leave dof | oP oot 7 is, will ety. tl 1 next: sat Be. alt with ‘ ud ofworthe fro m Salt by the s¢ Lake ¢ the big Repubforeign spot off ndhi by . deleg ri and ith ; oon so ion | the: goes stand ey church Root gate | urday it i to | affairs the bids that gBht-to' eured und of 9}| ing fair Swamp- d ae be} has pot.and : 1 ue vorld, intel other mit at sids em It of afternoon yoteve tin the and de is rally ‘ ont c¢ this rday for it \ drives. vening. , 1 lican hall etree , ntelligent isease eve ee bett rin | be : if has} anyon will ound stronger his} | dls spelled te lt The R epublican state her person: tr entourage | ce his in ger me. oo roval Ithoughusus the -toy.all P ymmitteemany gz makin such st [pla of Special Shagrwan -tralii.fr Salt disap ae register me, ect sminend dur ) ul re al cheerful ke rom as Lake®fiooa=a= wa y af-| \ 4@ consent t ind_1 oa reerfully this votphe al in the reichstagg during| Be oat ae peataren ihe } place poll y ve $ ft party . rae lig his |} |" with secured his tt isent to beeremain d the town a_ ses sion, he is Gratefully ferers i the1¢ Splen- | personalal p grant he inter-)* a rere. h Republicans. ts expected i DR, KILMER' 5 ans. it. .xy 'PPhat airy; longer had iid, || 1d w ene the K w thand the 1an , Ri. days7 corr een t coming ‘MES 5¢ anal ; ‘it: part in pale by the; King-{|2sainst WALKE staff 1 Ga.' : mane phy-| view smite 1e¢ hatred of| did music was furnishe ed Ganss eF corresponde ent : inten-} Ps to cae ae | pit Soe t Ipor ' Mr M Pr > Lindi ao ith of whe orcheetre ities s Grace Ms Milth Littleefleld 1 Sti. Atuanta, Isast It isSan absolute Hilste:z tion F 31 Mr. warned . 2@ Publishers s-Press. atone on. ens : i igainst do-| ute | ler. stead : ds ur Re-| M s o having eo ¢ | and Robins the une TS. ing kidney fe vr das nal t} to Utah ison nS Br. and Wenk lad) fact that - Mrs,ae publ responsible. foi Salt areif contradicts able Josep we) inhrealthy ‘ of apportioned ees 8 his a ate eya k . arry yg to candidate ican Ni ce ¥ and j ) many has Sais G Das diseenses, 55 ; beer 1 personallilly visiblease, rae ver& Bladder 1% | for Republica { Col, permitted he Aes 16 house is fnot a f bu ‘ y mt Kinds of 4H¢ ar delayed | lower his fl n ticket. in | text tan, daily ric osSddy "resale x :claim. for a brieef pened Squires act a suffering as chairPere fatal |le i eceptingg the ich trritat (irene ral ¢ tightly short ltook Sund _ unable many of xt fform.a claim, whiflaunted in| | continue ane trouble. was ree storm man dade I Nac iey and LDIe to be yee ad by in ae , meeting, ae ‘Trit ir he Se a carriage tim made you Ss A andSe ich that ribune to follow, sed pas Brown, || ast. Sunday's speeches were sle sure . mates epless for e for thee frst : ue ‘at sae CM. t h e former msi UE ek y | nerve ; 1er "! "wit an 1 pat | pauper th ey ni air ca aims for .dizay,-restless, pass dur Lake e tk theatre gf yesterday consent } to good more zy American year al: ates _ Eldridge is. a : Mak you Makes™-you | water ; often during. than became cir-| 1° FOr county "of»ffices d- other candidates iF ng ae that end ofof the1e lisV v oni will das e re ‘ ‘ed more n she the Corn t everythin the at} | irritable. to the viens who, ero 5 is \Cime obligiges you to ge state, : uke rine alarmedthat.by Paar eceirs) day and sure th dis f ussion lh with was this eity" : and ; ed up. many | ongressmié Naee she e by. to reasc canse rheu jat ‘was th ulation of of torent L ittlefield's the fac e report 1eys Unhealthy I iat act | during : ¢ ee m of¢ fo laiming wl 1atpos ‘of Bor' Pieta ae stion : ‘ that night caturrh | an | of the cancer, | and or sent e state, dying aie of of eading this org part,| bladder pain o m < in of . the him best gravel, rewer it is in ; two He said, in mus : opportunkcece f hearing ma the read i > rally. Jijoints and Concora's. best. astoN zens<..and|+eature. the make in. ase for Littlefield e is th 1@ friend | sults Congr an them.known Pate prapiistied 2 sce 1 achethe back, : ap a ar vy 8) that#1 the R epublican 1 party dull . ache Sen at ae | 0% ache,' head referre They vith with time y our: at tl re will Salt that | | talked | from interview to labort ng man a the] article Na ® ed at 5 af che"and' back.trbuible Veg fuse: Inds om | the1ort by clear nator SmootT : party‘ ew self the ue it he him-to away from s the , bank. theat stateme dopted came aire get feel a sal she ‘‘as iver Tomorrow. "night or a ou y claimed tonight. issued alluding . that tiah S andy arings | tion, and iss vou : incre: that ane n*arre and "atre ie she was ch) =| t pe ements ' se a fe peat been Soe go ' make had Gon el . h i Ma a} the fifty e| . Taw, will Mt. ia had a} to Sanpe as she ever a : { hat? complexion o he made: reased é well I as been ipers hav low had em make"an fict owad. Pleasant, mi you ee etary lis, | though recently will i n his troublvileBtrer vou: he© of igh | Cause of : hrist lan himMn ine eart ion a | Women' S where ist ght or against no' ae cones n district, wee age ees unbitio nbut get: t Ww eal of i duee°not: : tothe M r address ehar -}In 1 refutatio Sire ; Ce plenty.}waste rength; he said | sald while oseph, biwas n of the appare s stateme nt, arently te that w night party ind he speak fact Union day the : can j Americ a i e | : Seperate that. will | to tr Thursd: ingenious awe , Pear had br . more yur pele over: frank | trWas Kilt mers more 7 for FEW OnaNPnonia? mbbhené. To, overco the an hi e Dr. Temperance s than abso-| prosperity } Sar of: orand less oubles, take wd at N orth Ogde lutely ached "Aer nore : Inas yrought } tt ary a his tltrade mor . ver neds ; th e world-ft for | because by part at in this | D ore ah ruthful. as neither fnimous. tidne icanin |about party years: county legislati niepe tl 1¢ y va dette nat a oe £o0 to | In taknp-Root,Swi ation ex-| Uwenty help 1e Republics : Renn Seka : ee eo z all the afford le DR. IL MER a C0-, and Sar , h; iat in the: e- mines you vatural ; Elder cian imp-Root Lia ey everMrs.had E count y, ever 30x fs i 4 Z had I of | stsState, mininggz | industries |} to Nat king Sw ad ihe he eS : Sider : we for) y "Jo ad and HAMTO 4 tl ; ns with C€ interest ire, ine Sddy mak had is the most perfect wamp-Root p gres his faarewell Reput »d conversations rs years 29.-aAt dl |} where so. a greatly labor thr int Hartford, te the nrougt their | make kidnes Oct, 1 s old by all Drugpists yet increased prohad pe that ald recent Le-Pruds the vill their come | y ana » n has erview tl is campai i : and a neys " of the }, aler es pubSein gentle sz o1 Hes p arty ve s oO the! bes of the was relial dress for te thr ican by and sale minute are| but years, n align close of e are| s session n discoverered ree. sted 9a theyy e said he was inve ably | ductio © | laste s afternoon's capi ev es, : te r that Nigl of bullilien W t ) give | manufactur expert <3 the report . | hardly Last had ¥ informed posi ested reture apitalists in: when a National position : : T TSA e ' rt evi-| . John.@.¢Cutler who y in to- tl Bingham Eday' deliv Night. al At $15-¢ finch: sas How . Mrs. - 5 cencice as Gover nor r, of ingham s tbout ne, delivthe state v and 1,000,000 cddy of Out 1e : . y the ther itions abo committee Salt} 1 vere resolutio >F "ESRs, Find closing -2 Congress man Littlefisleld was in that on urged o Were: the CLOBINE 2.500 healalth about ere. men | ered Lake yes bef ae Cl ‘ ¢ you carr st offman, ji your terde iy and ig adopte the mi ore he wer it to} being €lee aren of Joseph if pted, Mrs. . as to about A r working gin doubt. in. x te mind rising to mines; > thithat : they carry | a6 kK: nicht Mo.,piClara:C. naWel Binghar 1 Jast lof Tries f there is any.from ity, the City he c me et + seers ell, many ore y aie elas ns n on » Appear re cording Ne low-res ide light , low sioe r, lead and | tary Kansas ' saw Rz z this : would conditio CILIng iiy.t sig ounce take i e ‘inf a natiorynal corr four union, «a 0 f the prominentan epublicans, 1 congress, dell that it eas cutity, Coppe of the Publis saw the sights tw pie in. the ioe ary bottle and. le The a, Eimied correspé aide ty great prec or arreé yndent wiantL ue ylishers| yok -cop> b e of Zion tT it took a y5mean «1 : If on Leo that ; af i n scath-| | Presss after ree in the/K King examinatlo » engght and. ‘ II, of B elgium eto investigation eee y-four if hours anteeer ndy, legislative comple te | sett ling, i 2 Bi pold a lead tattves vere returne there cloudy ain : ‘ath: from or that He i ek-dust ch aracterizedd him as} an ed Republit a brick aEe ing 14 itis milk Ky ng. ss renge and « re is in'need : products at 3IN€-| vere | |#beut ihren Used man ired ets nibh A ham: a} of immedia \qharutachinetiaeoaitet k jdney ; 3 are ittentior ‘ re TP ig terms in would midnigt y at one . at he old :vour Jast night A eee aph in in } rarmony for monster. inne lt. an Mrs.| - over Smo ght Reed ork that "Ars caudate Condition E DITORIAL Se ; Bingham. eres NOTICE.-! So success ‘ar: is S wam DY Rootteni promptly 3 state teed Sn noot he will; ‘ With U tah t is know t : bes st interestssts of the viteSC lutions pxoteste iinize a wepir' % rh : d {stress atSenator eve ou pr state or: atty is iethis from wonderfu : veing Sz alt eiroe |208 most Lake th aha its. the' rit. hata causes appear the 1h the t by 102) ¢e i f the , t e ‘ any Is wondered NorNor ispast ‘sing : was > eu ven called thisme » be aa meeti o- order. cs She as ' Bingtgham or é in bse eeling Congo:| The, and on Vise b Mn 7 it thot d @: ion, botl : | Hiblicnt d 6 \ sample night, , whewillnag ae at Repub lic 6° book aee informeatic , a bottle t Jong G. . other | we camp able have . eS oft as h minining Hugh at De Among by ay olutions upon . McMillan. 1, .and. was homed Arne The Sta:wwe of| | 4 utely n «se the _ resoluti many free said. ' if the counge score Re sellottya bt meeting Tree ns he Ms contains y mail ye men presided asS/ naanted art do, three 4 following: 85 book o f Sin 100E| Ber j ind 1 There the -by e 1@ were fro mn by.' yeing years 4 ten, Smith was not prospe men sinds.« 85 men Senator X:. letters issuing sperous. try at lare andtt + .Joya arge e . |} over il C Congressadopted ep otactine 7 received: inerm the < ars| and Pwito. testimonial mene be t even dems ri z of le al ie ssues ne copy ay of n nastery Marinnel a ilu would for SE i eno' needed s wamp-Root by | old and ea and he remedy y they. to be:just o1 mand tax halo an discuss . federal 1e ‘boasted oe pper the Littlefiel will r s : the \ arerly b ares. r Thed Shit ay The will FAI .ove stay the| lezead; matter recannot PUURIOUS SJ. that end idvised™ to ‘ronment itofof liquor: ye o well kno ywn that our > reader eee mind: ada ai OF ore np-Rootiques result to would ¢ of 1 : "Mrs s i c prohibiti t we in LURE ravs will be an time. pts Eddy mines avages | t}receipts : e te rritory: that) ? a} sample bot ing rs. suld have o shut down y; x ion s rok en to's , Aa 3 it you bale woul . &.C ot to: I I i the t } drix or N ne "m 1 or the by onty of music of the lr 1 writ : be. sure. Salt sale of | owwners the " dec rr. Kilmer &.Co., Bhi gh temporary prohib ition decrease to he KE AS other. 3 t was 1e rive ws today y = sol have : b if in > "City offe an t d Ee pu this t in arynélational beer hom A, Science »S | the Lake ffer ae Feature explai Interentered mi Mai read that seer snerous . ratetatarec Republi , n | it He of Il he wis . that e church,".' es, soldiers' ainedane in Thetak wages . Rogers oa ; st: ‘ yi- | Pdward be s the) to talk Mar the f shes it under. committee richly Cc 1 Ay » i to atae 1, 1907, appointe tha . did4 ve ivch effect atte j in > 5O-ce credit made ily pu 3 ie] Cane par ake re arty the stood the ji invitati tally. ths Swan the is pleasant brough: am nt Amerikearns d at ation to not claim Vettes ayrmanent: take, and.do you can ave " attend but ; ; st state two ed mi purchase leatals ;. of tow? at ad Vv. egislatures or U 1e ore,dit.for. 1 the drug o stor niles : outside 24 #1 in Ra tonight's , 8 meetingiz side that is extend ; 1,| air, the sunshine ITIL Frankrai 5 prese every i wheiere, Sw Don't ided ~~ gen-|P . he th: de- | homeste: bottles at RoeIRE of . to anti-pol all d nothing | reme ar ze the p of mand : claim p wLares D an hed nendment if the ‘ evid ame J. CannonOO dione and. the vidence "or iat the Retepublican parKilmer's s SwampSwa mp-Root, one's eves toot, erally# &and cordially members s of r. tddress, Ss be are to be; ty did i | bew me member polygamy large >the:ane Uninited'| the S Tt yes broug tee he Ni name, a 1 bottle. mistaki o n at S condiall parties Ss, as What cor of Y¥ abo NA onstitutio Salt ‘e n no every Was y the : »outvies" Rhesab relieved. yught aking| Senator , on Binghan NERC ; St: lk ghamton, there | Lake fleur 4 that Reed S$ night leant iss will jto Utal fe and made theatre as of tions ast heavily ace this that whereby smoot dea tates; and y| | gure in sake : ave to say be political moot aning al issues} ex ar gr for en al towar |= speec the local the she pee ofah thee] of two : w: atte | compl of failuree senate peech upon thee arms -- mate ssiblvy ong¢go a long£ ways the possib e very y thing xcluded_ Sti fro mbecaus attendants tie nee a demand things that ymplete tgreatsustal . deji r will was og ' : Des aes. towards United States he was so billed to deliver, yut carried aac ng here 4+ has enlightenin ecause of hiss relations| iowasosehz AE ocak bey of the misguided; : ere produce ced ained | that he t pee tater "cote. . . +++ the me T his re putation as } De the Mormo n churerch; opposing SR wt thehat never heard Srna fol lowed the The S66. Three ring heer hour a politicalal poser, emocratic party om|to een Time ¥ oe fe said people $i have 5 | % : fifth ea Beheof seats. . to tk s: who N } time chance ance P sh had the same in 1904-5 half driv Young re-establishlooking did tt 1e corresponde OF Ame measure avian had | a + Kearns s. showed ident} ASHAME rive 2 the league, Men's = mena and after eae AMED 1907 904-5-6 te & s Ured ar ts|+# 9 ‘ urgi RESIDENINT but TA an hx ; a complete | ice 1907 | rang and the of the army bygrew; gaye and}|and of they ete carriage alongside ren, failed the urging that disturba n R kinds i d atience impatie ane nad Wf c + conductedof the ee pSo all SLI i its occupant . ee y th: 4 Only ae as ¢ for note OOSEVELT ther bringg& :about any i assage s | + REPUBLIC orbid > | closelyy i denise) of a law 1at will ev conditions, ig, SO: far as feat- ances, s. which. w: . y once; pro4ACAN RALLIES Js in + st four sale within c oncerned, display had G | | oS ae gen miles s of any ar herean weree mingled the sale the dewas she our ea"TTime,' ‘ army | did even the sli , and dance mind pa : slightest ian ele policy mm, of tt 3 de re, + ture Fre eveni ng was hisse s and. cries of e "Cannon? post: emandin g& the ball ot for wom nen| the was gree of interest < Delegate - Free | trai ea damnation Denghert depression. witt fT y addressss 72at ete, © Matt at's enough," w dangera po 1e that ruin M Edwa equ al terms the 1e youthful| Ann ounces State Ca rather R ogers, Lake ful omumnittee * a good spee 1 men ; the miningg|of bea A. two vehicles Salt one, "Gy de, he said, . would us Many | on in > rd : e the ve peech together . ation. O gden of e cam e, said a nnon,"''|# close.. industry M4 Weel: our ee - in any »f ay /Un- secretary fore the organizati |*# gs for TI nan ps.... from, the shouted. sox ty of re the Utal 4 D outsi turty. tm Salt prese galleries | + attorrpey, and, der ourr | Hiless, City de It world vas plain. the t 1the ouglas Rode- as ‘Mr. Cs ne one ‘americas conditi ions, hawev hesindiicnealeor ‘ spea in enthusias aig Nam wever, "ty Se io Salt of tee "ana the interested als Fi are nt {3 unnon advance ed to of county ttle committee | pie He a an the ged ner' w BU ublican ‘s eli Deral pros- back,ee ' president of league, Was) mi nef Mr.r. Cannor yok © activecount ike City on Friday, she ae makes th e de hae OS ee his old-time e people of Davis +f until eed the tL pring: ce nty | not ry ‘ashe |ts, pt.1 ee as he' }{+ La062o™" Great + was well into as thebes heart perit He . taki fy 1 the camHacneia . aarietneee grea thei . tam are he m a ce unsteady th for » as‘ the up, as 3 t she! aking at is Interest and we have r produet.w at of thee city b at'she sat Roggers, who te + _ out r e declared ~he | + debut Tagnerem. tt ne! that Presid Young Tkoosev and welt; ce audiene his th: and of the before ashamed of . ent there prese to and nat the nee, Palgn any 000 doubt higher and . fi i we .s * und e very true A owed certain has ig the ave The | R : than coul ent + at the See rarns Pp f ages ticke Ss wi no labore Ylasa asI that|rat, showe ed American iatita eae plainlyy that the force glol "faitl Our elected, 9 ot com plete, and epublican 1 ticket will be elec will be addded peteetlessbpeae ithful. ir same feeli the|* ry on fe the globe. ecling5 tov vardhim. ‘d ay to d the 22, -h convention Ware September idol, t h made I y : Years it him: better once an. and Presid as to from ad 85 Mr is are Is said, rein ominating Mr. ay, but a|* : despise Rodet ack for theHe leg- streng « + . give Creek Old. him | Roosevelelt the othe eae that for fee had Mill ars S dent at any as given : naigth at mce announ e Enthusias of prehensiv eee siasm ced faded islatur ck. de ose < other be omnade with y higher roseTose. + had hor iors last power | n polities Ss all the deal he to Th can.dates was do It was self TI | gsher ature, she Utal ne places speak _ of of ‘ e away,|* that tion tin |, The -| there es and MaCes this nighght whe n° he deliverered an address + ' st 1e Republicans the|he * people and notothing d but neldsc an enthusisias- ing her beat bait ar well and strong holdin the speaker ; | gz meeti ng, together with Was tre d credit t o an older ; the e remained | Panace: : + . last Democrati dona y > cheered 1 y the; * ofthe would do tl atic rally at Mill Creek acea. spectr eff pose at tic names of the speakers reme | pathet past, Preston the the rather and fol spectre ic ut was nick er, + aT} experier -| ort + x illss more De re T Ss, are as aie Ashton, lowe: eston. Among & | hypocrite of the present ; the conveention. ce cea offor all iced - speaker vr. memb pink rouge Juge * Thehe r Democrati he pli heavy oth ers| Pecan es atic panace + Convincing avy and . J. W. Smitt + mbers t here presu egislation s, to repeal par the legis ith other things ngs, he ces saidda notthatenethe 0" her cheeks, placed ant tt ender. suma-) is f the tr Re-| | of the league onal Surrende Tuesday o and had ++ ++ +++ +++ he Colored an dyy ner Uncondith e were 4 iss Republican} spoke repres free : ade ¥ emies of the: the flushsh } of healt 1,/ publican party. wereIf were had to 3 a o loc Glee club san g. Ral g ds ; of Farssuid thatit_ <: a Mormo local Spe Every evide under issue removed ¢ n lead. | Mormonsis; that duri of y too sent had Spanishandd ththe tariff! the r e t Lakeke theatre-C ongressn on W25 was all »vident were : | i : C. apostle uring profu-| . { & be : lis nan ver mon.hisiis office ind discussed and national mportance was ssec | *!0" of in the w i in he said | wages would pe cut down i American < S | Fr s he Mor mons enlisted "him war hair, hardly Be Litt! efield, Re and an y Sm Ge and visited speakers white : candi eed freely air, the ‘ Senator te oot. ,We ash ced: you andidates and the snow a |" vd ntlythe clcse wearied he Gentiles se.in| | with co unty -J eaeares pely weby wit looking | Bingh¢ iles, marche PA the of| Keeeeping present. x : ebeg who. and fought ingham $:or vith as : a setere mines : w ould oseph . ght | 4 "What do TO opie desire and manne it was one age TH EIR one of on|w , ¢ andirched Yes ' e es000 f or freigh t 200,000 Howe slept in| FAILED pay of sam u nder the his confli We ibeaae the Gentiles, ement sSenator § anner of the Lee = of andthe campaign lady and languid ged) forcig oO adn> ¢ best. ralll underand the Same protec. ink er We can' |e, shipsps | Sawith eign ships came 5 ps, ame flag ee The attend the co unty. surreee a oe 2 that part ofallies nal crowd Honknre Castle ret urned ho me she, as Sutherlana.: . . nacan't operate esac ndeppiuded ole 9 forEo wNaeer | F Engl: in Eddy 0 Irs. ew a linee-of distinctic Si Fil larger 1e as Laber gleeth: Frankie S betl Claim Sngland was When any With : ate, Carb on county-WWal. orty } and ile s aberers ance av as helped across stinction on | fully. ie, mavBuild the r than : asit ween are cheaply M yet m a4 and the Livin gston. hat higher ha Rnnet n ,esare . in has Mill I Soard of P ublic W orks, J 2 o Morm marked £ e Mormon 1 one meeting live e cheaply say the | He told Price, E mery county have to Bive eae ence, , we the aire -a| lead ves to fizl of the } mot} in Ut:tah in be-| th<natw Sereand eeett henomen ght d a political eader, , Saying n oP : :see y-R.-A. Por rkers 4 1. reek. p co PTR Farnsworth, s For his Ss country ee had er pire liv | Qld days,d iow hishorrors the ed : l> fo Pubheat for e vother subsidy to our builders madea net she would B ers to 1 make up| other OBER . ¥Y while the with lives he was troops ae of be ne aims of appr Tues fort h the . lishers' legislati proach corres ation Wedne: sday to figt cause da n pe ess he diffe erence, becaus uesday' the espondent public wor > ITICSS AND ‘ ght his ee ountry, how: is father pone AND THINGS yPOL vorks statingg that party | ntends to kee rd of Belcher t Republi iean nit Sh the z & her, sub- contractors at noon ‘ per ors on and, to set | Showell Aaa eos wa 28 4 G Took < IssIssue With 1 Suthers ca n_reveal! ystacks part: De Bi 1 n answer s t to atate-p beg AS hall, B: WSalt careake have But a personai- i nterview Cotton onwood . | Padir ece his part of |}the conduit . jig yo ges tthigher. : bland i them mad eee Th t f Peco unty- o -inarry a out f: de . The little hoses ee place not already HerPro ments e€expenseser sas hav ton 1 have waste n the Thi elis pollin g them | but ge y-Daniel McRae, to le; ve Utuh Vith | the plan their aste | failed ; » payy living esolate physi Sonate) known. byynirtyastelwo hat f near bee 1 fifth Staats . Ric} hards, Ne the assa! ir . same ratio seneiande. e rick lase been assigned the for the soldiers . as it r had «found1d | m and ju ssalled Jens en. worl a 1 the yeen creased Their r claims Tr strengtt ris waning g fast and t Tl eee onth's cal Sey ars s exceed f Mount P leasa nte-Cs. Nephi the He deli commission cou the M by onl > recited Wages bo her of ineinty | © | the ormer. in of he the junior senator It is| she is ard xy $2.0060, and they rey have -| speech Mormons. vered byby ow ores Srigrenatna boar ers. the re -#had < 3 tiers , ittlefield, G ; W of the ‘ t 1e |at clared dents w wage bol of | 2 fr troops nly. B. Sainsb last in a EN and|_-,' the Geo. asked put ents | same She of the arc ps Thursd: ay night house- W. on approach E rom e-Senator r ast increase se even will tp ges had 1 + sidence work y opera tn Ury,| |lyself, with} 10ld this Rtogers st contititen said 1 le was the confidant of of those who ia , Of whicich Mr. to public 06 FE street Sutherl and (ron yut ar outstri pped the in crease inh exexpen- | spot upon for C and others. i stood. He} : 206 7 " frox n the contr ? Park for Hes |} ho ex le:eaders | Were } aor secuted sald years iha rdly a ; - « * bbee y Ra Matter fortyy house-N opera polygamy. wr sald | 4mount2 part' much years the natipaben onger, | ses, and quoteed figures extensivelyy to} of th that he wit of the Inde: firs ther str her Mormo meee The. rons this stood irst acto chure) er cause Goce blood the domine Breede n. ity . prove po ce iad nt e int, th had although his oEeeee ean is probal lak; Ite$ next meeting. * 1 »ve 1 was st it is ner thoroughbrplpred ed a 2nd believed hehe Th Lit was ea ent Sahoee? turm a] ng, and was held 1e address s of Mr. ngressmatr 1 Howe vable as ittlefield it thro ugh "besmirche oil of trouble,ble, owell. LPL SaIae Suri ast) be deepended upon to herplay coontractors s Hunts ville-Con¢ ched ; the| then pu ofned will bei: summone that the wo brill jant the'® ¢ and attracteed a large c rowd. ha one a nd was punctuated rs mind remaiains. of beKe te the1¢ last so lo ng as Thursday and cave for Mormon: bo: TThere name Memist e the ever ything manhood," the e board. ft is a prov Vision of 4 s credit cle . Th reas ten Phere | i 2&fore I up So S in , asenably' c ear. ead at. aaling ne} the ch urch a with bursts : applause from parey 4} did 1890, F 7 staken contract 3; which |/!n the time provides to N the Merican n gston of snaniutione anpete was , the n wanifesto Cl Does: as inas of ork-Senat or §$ uther- theWDA Livings aa large crowd, mi Mr. Littlefieldd and par' | religious hav the ac Mormon - city D. yesterday the boar ird | oes Not has we aim TImmort ality. si people He alg any he wo uld' not accuse ple dead or the Mormon wit! peo left at and eres city yas been assaid rday. nave | and but leave ‘ symp: | ty thi a right to-to pay b sincere Mor of a nything, OEMaine eecongressm ave. for would erest with: which committetee to sevsigned North 0 Edsden eee) ittlefleld : abort | the y the state .:29.-C York, : Mor-! for labor 6 for co the ate pathy; = ; 29.-Christian amount ssman S may wonaic t ) Oct. aiiarerl New Z toto). B : s b e held Manti orn at TY: moot Sendtor the sincerest to leaders, est conte) mpt, - eral places ne platnorm ers, Livingst mon ill speak Siw ; a rally declacen | LW. aces through out ‘the state ; Scientists i n atertalt gston, > Us witerthin 5 pre ee ACOAGD, Smit he - saic : Layton ET night. a Mrs.(ateyMary Baker oe a Alte oe rice made vior aker j morrow oo ae at : ea de "au by ect. --_-~ f 2 sen aa the f Me were Theie ye ounders : of that Sees they z Snov s iid at Lor enzo panthe a the ee A oan orever;. sddy to live ; IN 2 a He Despite nd. 5 of © : Ee ‘tare p a by 1 Kearns am WARD |Vi Wt:tah has } nad sip years of she Friday yer ved, dee. tALLY he added 20TH that Kearns' paper, ; not disisturbed ; , N seuta party," wha whom Menon f six the : y thefromreport and Kearns by Da iB rs buy,y. :and whom Carme caus d will s: dead ot ceul Mo. int he || cause n e¢cancer, gin but eld, s hoped é th at°> Mr. "Littl efielad n HH «ta : Clearfield, ch | Was .all am Oct. 29.-Mit bead Soares MKeplies ty a BOsuty oesBe pereees mon 3 Mor not t bend s thi ngs abc " church a 7, was theie Wesay : impers rsonate election nice |that collie she ry wap Nn vas obs served. Suld et meri- | De Sutherland folks est peing w to Ame Ser ‘ elks out | hag the j by all lator BY. with put e Beeause A. Tay C moecrats L Par being Sm Ae oot. Five at anterigham ity-c, BE.5. Littlefield a br armelia teed Mrs. is regigion Ss election of + when he r : sturnss to Ma ine. i earns Mi aa canes ations, | these ve J. Leonard, 1g idle tod} ay drives about Conpar: E Santa quin-J he said, . fhe thrfe whole ssit- | th her : theyy apolo* liners . ifts H , ir in ddily ahi. Y a Weak Scientist, a Howell araded Lere been hi oe heir church R I pation |cerd. re oseph whicl wid tah . Mg : ey the ondn r} doing. ee npete TY 1e De Mus t bs solt to spring county-Ww 2D, ch they y attended a ma 5pued Sterlin 5 dre Oeeer When inter at iatg the > so Republiy}{- | andnd bared " ‘meeting The terest in whether M rs. Ed mocrats day neo (United remedy jaddr bj neFeds o the world. Livings gston the* ich nited a. surpri of. Cc oan te eca e ele ection. dressed of mae the a oificers xcrats sh . Americ: a voli : ie th e party 1, : Sevie the} fc vunde r of haye Worker e hand ta if there | canBaewn then Josep! = Attitadee of Wuslshington ands prs Vorkers s of Be Rya-|/All_ speakers ould peakers © e rise ; re | 7 up ‘3 ine aiaiee | Mine 7 » that aoa evier county-W. x there w going to sete j. ey expiant ned, rod and S and were in various 5 alch. Utah rs by 1 F. Smith eal thpower r in politic He sai and: a Heaney with Joseph | the concepti must not medied> populs Lake' e t id ar Si e c= Sth po with ult' them." ; 1 - --_-- << Saturd: ny. vy shows a colitical popular oday | was as Washi that ane this . Te ae governr nent | {| -- of t o| party. ca 1 he c scapula witl i the' rem--1 ers state, voter ality at the < Ss Mill of oose nee suquets or Cannot bees ause c¢ War ‘ Gampale let the to. th and saan fact that| Creek. shington <of thelr Me 4a | eccounty.y and theories ories as ants the y (the city look to the Retepublican arguments Tense Rogers S MMr. lead car opened R. R of er. of! rmon pay la {pz over matte er,superSs Jeaders) res, ,) J vames jority lo se Senator right," over W Wyoming,1 deliver ator the party eo it » Utah, defense ¢ a prograam sald bec Idaho |} the ‘ spirit. " Canno set things atght,"thee said » ank yn. Republican forwis Frank and) | and Ney ships s th matatter and tl te pes- | Geor mn) non-existe nee aid Sutherl erland of co : Ephr he' could Heyw ‘ ada ywood 8 roorge sconnty-Ww. nigt people e Sen: heeld last wish i bility of tr Sutherl: and te af n Sanhete inks. the 10n He said the ers y of thor e Morn phin g over | rally the xs entieth 1oe D. 2 forge as y mind prin lik -W.. . eleaders 2ethiling better thaSenator ght Dineen' hall. in "T yield ¢ ave had timee *to. « get In five » years, |5d sease and wee either an to b e more e like | « ony reh would h. d flee, and The Republi-} publi- Fr ank J. better ae ward amus sement Fo »kn ew they Sait Canon. over ththe U nited Ch ristian § St Sutherl Spanish all over today | can e had already * " dy madeIf P up their we havee the bl ates stated lo ng a and. t E tc partyis watch 1 had will not 1 How || today eS rk-Senator ntists one of the twwo. rrested ininds they do o (Csrdoinnor y immorUtah to seeis & ldy did ack Kaysvjll the If Sheriff Emerythe. that is Trit Na g of lust and shweame wav Mrs,& ching ay H. A. Smit h, morther. jotclaim Jin claim will that Ti Donaldso ove ERY tality, electi = 1 th 1 he | dson,. as over Borineen Utah?" gville-Aare ection. ck = Snes 2 | hasine writteen thatat i inher | resuliit of ‘sak ¢ e coming G aved yune this would néver hay yers. ‘ ‘For he in. aron Myer gues sed. right. od's h i |elty:: Squi him. is ah?" organiz B. cried George: sake, res. | this ganization his carn. j udgment tt ne faithful1l-and.e enti ire e ful- | magni ee born. Provo-c -Col. ee ge gnificent end edit : ave molested Bur has 1d-to pul t an cz iis. aig l y tah paign. the oe BL her ican 1 on lo enou will extin- |} everyy candidate . LUNG s e fil Iment ofof her teachi ngsad curl Arms strong nett ne Republi long date er P cross spiri ross thx and of M st LIVER, gh at ate ticket has added | piritin th m death "'c but -for as in this oop. B at Litdefi eld guish . .S ore' Roosev Mt, Pleass ant. BONES rior to the : runs strong hers sevelt eetin erself she of the | Theod Re ©} Some BACK cannot say."" Young --- 5 is r Americz The pe eople of Sanp say. - of every a au are who y -- --= Men's county blood ROUGHT questi vague th S | Le sstioned wl to ejr a len pete un-| sto de publican BLS, Mr Scientists, Py te ' . beelief in power B "ot haven wtan to be co ngratuls ajed uppon thethe fac t that _ ided Mrs. ue a for. office, not onl Eddy's : faxtannits . I C m1 feat | but -cenie 66 ae this state} ttlefield 29. one of he mostst emiednesd ayAnd nigh = at the Wbath® 3udape st, Oct. - 29.-The Wem L underst he the Gintiea high w f£. menembers s of, congres388, and again erstanding elu h e hotel Cullen Mar nent natior meet the electioghtn of offi- \ | mark inedthu eer of H ungaria rites States or te cans} : m man a i-| the of epuiiionns of the vy will matter, Boad" of ral address Cers. : | ce thehee ack tods esin policy n patriotisn wait oon of r ae < Theo-| t reputation, a ay was ate reached \ ; w can Sa as at Thene theatre was dec Ss it. Pleasant(cainomo rrow hight. to srestand nt years Rooseve them iss wis We Whi le he is notne at} We tl re dor ikoc ike he =n The evelt.. the $ Ogden Tee wa sely | the bones ssueeacot e waysee. or| gebd With fi Prince a; g orated thisis time aa.. eccandids be his} hero The profu 7 ‘aie mon & Ba amber er, he ome, peipente contrat ice, ng is ne ot clear t atepri for office ‘ en u will P resident of ags and bur iting. Sy ae rp. SeatEverythi G thee ¢ Eroughe aks enand , the}¥ W® are : the beo us, Re+i Christiz Mr. Littl tlefield's by OVaamers ne ae ree draped eneral M Tana, ger, 1 of Sclene oo instyle Stian. nee is a growing com elfer, | Principles Frain was The arked ome large tertal ning Gos : The ia a principles grow ; we are worthy o Time Table t n Effec t Sept - 4, 1906 "after ovation. fatefe party and from tion we processio m oney will go fu shall ar y as nin T iat Ber i d Republican grow publican waitin fallery. Lake I : § al pat-| thee streets of Bud apest t ook place rther in in Re rthy ei s| turniene the suppor rt shed pee Risseas hend." d. voter ' brill fant ld's band y Vas witneiceessed | 1:3 seave . 50a nd 9:00 a. mM. weeather every ne mistak . andae tlportraye ee buyiying Clothes of and er. Tatas F akes . w les at = the riotic 6:3 4:30 . par Rod of The'c i P th and 730, State arties Pp. Mm. Dou by Brome ena rR. é | lz other glas 500,000 of errill, was.Ss of z by people anda| the I zeave Ibs odeback ‘ who S will¢ beon aid baree in‘a Christia aty-six' omplete suc- | Sal dor vinetyet ey re presid a ed histor ya} ceess of ; the hs opened Sutherland, the r a l ed by readin fentists ose 1 zayton fox way thata will bee at ae Lake 7:0 0 and day we is marred, : th er of thee evenin of&, took of ce clear, , icconCentr venenator, d, however, er, | 10:15 6 6:00 t and few € he the y ic lea He christian ve oe Ve a to 2:45, ery 7:45 by >, vineing the sai state nd striki oC? concist train it,| | p.m. gu the} ption e. lid' ng and Ne est. unde ard ware Ey.very~ "4; Ly exce Haniel atements allor's ?| roadthe and s vere Si pe York's Sciensists" becau se he his re e : talk ept & rground| Tribu ne y ew inday, with spec! ce not loud speech reference employes, enough, : > Se enga" that the news paper storyy)-of In theie Salt Policeme n, firer men | tralains for stock yards lefave & alt Lakeal S La ke last S Tues at a give d n signal, re 2 instan satisfied som e cz theatre applau ces, Dem esday| but. Days nt he | n n. and 4: 40 p. m. the Mr 5 passengBers, | 7:5 other tail or storee in se; and Eddy's,ph for Two vari nigh t when Were instoned and ¢ t o the atte ntion} Was. star of in ie v sical state, theand mperehetc Mrs. Dorcel jle ave yards that Than at anyr the ars. ove rturned. ci The ous parts s of the; crat pr sonatic mm. of, Mrs. Lenael citizens called hous Started onard, ‘i ek, f of the eitizens committee S present B or n that oecca-| Me city. Cale Frrye, "the andee E E Coliowineig. dates s for thehe name In ve read y Mrs. Eddy's that nddy's sion the = fact oe bh ading at 8:00 a. m. of fo alvin od, 1 i k Heywe e © " onorary seer en 2 and le: Wednesda: and} of Thurs¢ ay } ‘Jater. secretary marshanal, now a| Membe rs of thee league, St Rod eback 0 ssday and | forme this ERCOA ootman and ms SUITS Mr. States -h ND . ‘ was Uniled S rer ¢ T real spokes w nzlames of the ha ad} calle of member spokesman, s as of the Keearns cli que, off the ead d r I : Kei a the Wedne > sday-Cresce nt Ward house, Christiar e recipient of2 supportedd the canddidates f or the state! sta and David a ie zra ' | neome 7S8.H yde; @ 1 Science, S andy, Sch of $1,000,000 0--a.1) T c amen. . Mex. Eddy's: MADE a he eee egislaturee who we re pledged midt's h all, W (90 Mrs... en Oo and when ei whe ane hs H. Kin < o Measure Ree year, were al isproved. g and P hil Mayyeock: Bingt4 ham he ced Smoot a nd name eee we Thompson, 7 to Fit : e e cae = = ORDER ----=---- S uthets Canyon, Oo. W - Powers, pied 5States § tier nator Smoot."'| Christopher Reéd careived, ; (ot right: and on. candidates h : ant h iss en Jun the te quartet Bingh rs erated was a 8 >mistake gham : + ction : eve-| nd band; H FEM + rina: pare of the eveCall Hee| ring. and see our valuess before 0..W. . P Powers and candid ates ; rea da: it lette thin Grove oak 'S The oeianee Br .: fr an , © also RASS SE CIOS, elsewhe A: Trib Thursd a that PRR Co the ates arles Ch * tas . ordering Ward ttonwood at d : a1 v murthy waite of O gden. ay-Big.. ; unethe- was} R + May L. E. Hall Swellest and house, , P Phil. THLE PRESI mn ee+ throwing In the that‘ey es of Maycock, woole ms it votWe , of aac! * aie IRLS. Ogde en Hil es Talk s. county of (tk dust DENT Clark, ~ R Rulon S. largest SLANDERING Ww y that they eID & might notne ° + erss ofthe this ey campaig 7 Speen CO. meeting: Ves G. + C n. Hiles, ret urned see CANDY ‘afeottn HE neeting, * © the|Id Ogde whe er he h who paten, e ftrealnot issuees of the Prom an editorial in the Sal ae Fi fro ouur unclaimed garments hav .a FS. +}; w e g any of re st,acandinatian Carlailst, helping ane Idaho, Salt they n answerin | rahe Ipin of e| will tea c yo u the vere Niel. bee e art as Lake 2theatre, Take Tri bune Feb » 15, 1906: ye propositiitions stated by him at the/th Morr nons ou tofe put Suits and tel? also been ng. fr ee includi in accumtulati + t re 2 wh Geerleen: oOo e|the pping BeC.owers, W. 'H. * AAnd Pres: ident R oosevelt, . the of Reepublic eet Ow. he a ee > speaker, This red to. a son in meting referre te $3 not have | ts ans to aoeknnae will only : : ae eee enue cs i+ all sense, ret a cae rade is suppo: sed e principles Sutherla ndbiensnaastie worth from at O to , le (1 ne + Senator something oung ¥ ac Men's =e $50 you assure these people (leaders of -+}< tort arty} prices Howell of the but W 7 a ou ene then ente be clea red out eae ae ee tae riend of labor red into a 1 ows $ » to below of and part ? the aa wages °o ames , nlican about at Bountiful. 1 nuch ussionague. the pri neipl Republ eee 4setter Fa ney Vests a the Geta thane cost. contentio the +t city. Congre other offset of was etacne ittcus ts Mormo the ny Howell o ay Iples in Joseph + litt Coaney he G ompe by} three-quarters. rmon chu of He work and P arly rdingly. cipal as peaker at o QiD. duaof of President at once, hie petocipal admissions can ants Acco ce. an SECOND SOUTH. 1 hour, 57‘ WEST =}+ the eet J G cf " rally at Bo untiful last ni it Republi the We i ene himself a emocr: aaa acan ea was Wak SOin ght. B It was te Fs re as oe ; hs ad fe made cttand eee , out] well men ee nded and the aud fence red Dubois, oer tes Kp o halt ns 26 N. H , Oct. 29.-The oe Concord, tl very that: surroun ry undsEddi the healalth ofof ; G. Ma Baker founder mys-| Mrs. | jean Special Oct a Repub Bingham. |that Se rvice -G McDONALD cA Y CO. |