Show V 1 PLENTY OF WINTER FEED In lii Southern Utah limit Ha lIu No Xu I Ii Kick hol Over Conditions Richfield Oct 20 William Lloyd of anti and of or th the 1 1 P P. Cattle company was in 11 Richfield yesterday l' l He lit haul bad just ran on over I from om Marys- Marys Marysvale s 's vale lie and unil his are aie holding h tlc eleven of beef steers to be ie loaded for COt or South Omaha Mr li Ir Lloyd reports cattle In th the southern south south- ern tn countr In good condition I Iou and winter fl feed LI plentiful The lie teachers t acht of tf Sevier vier t i count county haw have effected rr Cl ll an nn organization org with t time the following following fol fol- lowing officers officers- P. P D. D Jen Jensen ell president I- I dent F P. l. l SI t. t vice Sophia n. n secretary Edna Peterson assistant seer secretary ot ct elary Judge Jo Joseph eph II It Erick Erick- I- I soil Ion on G G. G T. T 1 Bean Dean and nd 0 G. G M. M Cope COil left en toda today for Ot Junction to be lie present at ot atthe atthe the regular October term lerm of oC court |