Show LEGAL NOTICES RESOLUTION PROPOSING AN l A AMENDMENT TO Section 2 Article 10 of oC the Constitution relating to Education Public School System Maintenance Be ne it enacted by tho legislature of or the tue state of oC Utah Utah Utah- Section 1 1 The following proposition to amend the Constitution of ot the tho State Stale o of Utah Is hereby submitted to the qualified electors of tho the State Slate of oC Utah for their approval or disapproval namely That Section 2 2 Article 10 10 of or th Constitution of oC the State of oC Utah be amended to read as follows The Public lublic School System shall Include kindergarten schools common schools consisting of oC primary au utah and grammar grades high schools an au agricultural colle college e a L university and such other schools as the legislature may lish Tho The common schools shall shah be free tree The Tho other departments of or tIme tile system shall shan bo be ted as IUS provided by law Provided that high schools may be maintained free In all cities clUes of oC the time first I and second class now constituting J J. school districts and In such other cites cities cit cit cit- ies es and districts as us may bo designated nate by the legislature But where tIme tile proportion proportion pro pro- portion of or school monies apportioned accruing on-accruing to any city or district shall not be sufficient to maintain all the free tree schools In such city or district the high schools shall shull be bo supported by lo local 10 cal taxation Provided Pro that when any cities or districts shall establish high schools the legislature may authorize the tho use o of state school funds to assist In jn supporting such schools said fund being apportIOn apportioned ell to the tho cities or districts districts dis dis- concerned by tho the state elate board ot of education Section 2 The Secretary of pt State IP he hereby ordered to cause this proposition tion to be bo published in at ot least one newspaper In every In-every o ery county of oC the state I where a newspaper Is published for two months Immediately preceding th next general election I Section 3 This proposition shall b be I submitted to the electors of or this state I at the next general election for tor their theft approval or disapproval All official ballots used at such election shall have printed or written thereon the words 2 Ar Ar- For Tor the amendment to Section tide 10 of or the tho Constitution and Against the amendment nt to Section 2 2 I Article 10 1 of the Constitution together with such other title designating such I I amendment as may be provided by law Said ballots shall be bo received and said I votes shall be bo taken counted canvassed canvassed canvassed can can- I and the returns thereon b made In the tho same manner end In iii all respects as Is provided pro by law In tIme the case cane of oC the tho election of tho the state officers 1 Section A. A This amendment If It adopted at said election shall shah take effect and be In force from tram and utter the tho first I day of January A A. D D. 1907 State of ot Utah Office of or Secretary of States I I. I Charles S S. lingey Secretary of ot State of oC the State of oC Utan do hereby certify that the tho foregoing Is a 0 full true truo and correct copy of Resolution proposing proposing pro pro- posing amendment to Section 2 2 Article 10 0 of oC the time Constitution relating to Education Edo Edu cation Public School System nance passed at the time sixth regular ses ses- don of oC the legislature of this state stale Jn Jim testimony V v h I have hereunto here hero unto set my hand hantl olid affixed the great reat seal real of oC the State 0 of ot Utah at Salt SnIt Lake City City- this day of ot August A. A D 1 1900 Seal C. C S. S TI OEY Secretary of or State |