Show CALL FOR TOR r. r Bids for furnishing and deliverIng delivering deliver deliver- ii Ing coal to the schools of ot Iron County School District will be received re received re- re by bye the Iron County Board at Its office from date until 5 o'clock P. P M M. on Saturday June 22 22 1940 Said coal to be good clean merchantable coal coat and delivered to the following places In the amounts specified below Cedar City tons mine run f slack re screened slack or or ground or-ground ground slack Parowan tons mine run slack re screened re-screened slack or ground slack Paragonah 45 tons mine run i i slack screened re-screened slack or ground j i V y slack 45 tons mine run slack screened re-screened slack or ground i i slack Newcastle 6 8 tons screened If j lump coal Modena 15 tons screened screened screen screen- i. i ed lump coal Marchant Merchant 6 0 tons J I II I screened lump coal Lund 6 tons screened lump coal coat Bids may be made on any or all aU schools and on any or all types of coal specified provided type of coal is specified clearly The board reserves the right to reject any or orall orall r raU all aU bids All bids should be addressed ad ad- dressed to Iron County Count School Board Doard Cedar City Utah and the word Bid DId written on the outside of ot sealed envelope Signed JANET ROLLO HOLLO Clerk Iron County School Board |