Show ROMANCE OF AMERICAN FLAG TO BE DEPICTED FRIDAY Friday June Cedar City Isto is isto isto to have a presentation of the history history history his his- tory of the American Flag in the City Park at p. p m. m Proceeding the presentation there will be a parade which will form at atthe atthe atthe the American Leigon stadium and from there will to the City Park where the exercises s will be conducted under the sponsorship of the local lodge of the Benevolent I and Protective Order of Elks as assisted assisted assisted as- as by the war veterans and other I patriotic organizations of the city Every red-blooded red should participate in this pa dade de No uniform uniform uniform uni uni- form is required All that is asked is that you carry a flag A band concert will be given at atthe atthe atthe the City Park which will be followed followed followed fol fol- fol- fol lowed by an exemplification of the Fag Day ritual of the Elks a beautiful beautiful beautiful beau beau- and instructive ceremony During the ceremony speeches will willbe willbe be given by representatives of the patriotic organizations of the city the municipal corporation and civic bodies At six o'clock a broadcast de depicting depicting depicting de- de a portion of the of the flag will be given over Radio tation for those who cannot attend the ceremonies at the park In strenuous times like these Itis it itis itis is well to remember our flag and the things for which It stands Help Cedar City pay a suitable tribute tribute tribute tri tri- bute to our Flog Flag I Attend these ceremonies tomorrow I |