Show 1 I n BASKETBALL UL REFEREES I AND UMPIRES CHOSEN Officials of bib school basketball basketball basket basket- ball In Utah appointed men to act as referees and umpires of all league games last week and these thess I men mn will be In charge of or official official- 1 ling big Ing during the season which opens next week i Officials for Region Six In which I the Cedar high school team plays will be as follows I Earl Slaughter Cedar City George Snow St. St George Arthur St St. George Ernest Kirtley Kirt- Kirt M I ley Kanab Frank Frnnk Hunter Cedar City Grant Clove Enterprise I Woodrow Adams Parowan Kent I Mitchell Parowan Eugene Gregerson Gregerson Greg Greg- I I erson St St. St George Wilbur Covington Covington Coving Coving- ton Orderville Von F. F lloyt Hoyt Orderville Or- Or 1 I derville Reed Wilson Hurricane D. D c c. Heslington Milford Vernon 1 Hunter Fillmore Mel Heslington Milford George Anderson Beaver Deaver Poulson Delta Clayton I Vernon Love Hinckley Merritt Merrill I Delta C C. E E. Pace Beaver Warrem WarI Warren War War- I ren rem Stratton Hickley and Taft Tart WattS Watte Fillmore I Region six in ht divided into Inlo two divisions the Dixie and Millard I Teams in the Dixie di- di are Parowan Paro Cedar Enter Enter- Enterprise I prise Hurricane St. St George Kanab and Orderville The other division lis is made up of ot teams from Crom Milford I Beaver neaver Fillmore FUlmore Delta Delta Del Del- 1 ta and Hinckley |