Show I Style Defeat Caliente Team Harold Johnson manager of the Style Is sponsorIng sponsorIng sponsoring sponsor- sponsor Ing a commercial basketball team that promises to be one of the best bestIn bestIn In this part of the state and one which challenges any available team teem to a game Mr Johnson has haa purchased new suits sulta for tor the players which carry the name of the dress shop across aeroSol the front The team Is composed of Tom and Wendle WendIe Jones Jonca Bernus Bermes Barlow Darlow center enter Frank Frank lIun Hunter Hunter Hun Hun- ter wilmer Darnett Barnett and Dick Leigh Leleh guards euarda Frank has left town and If he remains remaina away another player will be added The teams team's first frat game Barne was played played played play play- ed at caliente against the club dub the team teem that has haa twice defeated the Branch Agricultural Agricultural tural college The Style boys boya were victorious by a score of ot 50 to 37 Other games that have been arranged arranged arranged ar ar- ranged Include one with Panaca at Panaca and a a return game in Cedar Ce Ce- dar The Panaca game will wW be played played played play play- ed on 16 III and the Cedar game on January A return game with Caliente will be De played lin in Cedar and games fames e aro e being arranged with Branch Dranch College team Snow College and the Parowan Parowan Par Par- owan owen Athletic club on dates to beI be announced later I |