Show n I Views Views- Views From From Capitol Capit l 1 Hill by United Press Salt Lake City Utah Dec Dee 30 1 UP reorganization of t Utah's school chool system with a view toward equalizing edu educational opportunities op op- will be one of the most Important Issues CI facing the January January Jan Jan- uary session JIn J- J Fr In its ita latest report the tho state m R committee of nine terms term as uneconomical un sun 1 economical and Inefficient In administrative administrative ad ad- J unit units units' 11 u school districts dis which It recommends be eliminated Five other districts the t t committee found border on the same lame conditions making obvious the necessity for tor changes in tn methods me me- tit thuds of school administration In the group roup of 11 the commit commit- tee Included PI Flute Plute ute Grand Oland San Juts J Ju park city South Summit North Summit Morgan Juab Tintic Tintic Tintic Tin- Tin u tic Dagget Danet and Wayne Wayn while Des Bea Beaver Deaver ver vet Duchesne Kane Oar Garfield field and andRich andRich andRich Rich fell feU Into the later classifies classifies- Lion tion Terming present methods of school financing Antiquated and out model the committee recommends recommends recommends mends consolidation of all aU districts J Into one state unit providing also 1 v va a minimum educational program u as ua a medium of eliminating the i marked Inequalities existing In educational opportunities for children children child child- ren of the 40 districts r. r The committees committee's proposal anticipated anticipated antici antici- 1 1 local sources would supplement supple ment the states state's basic educational l structure Alth eh it was pointed panted out that such a program first fint would 1 have to be drafted lefore before cost of such a program could be pe e approximated approximated mated the report estimated the tate state should provide between 58 and 62 per child on an average dally daily attendance basis bull as compared with the present rate of 25 on a school Chool census basis basl and a 5 equal equal- fj v. v sum I It As AI overlord of the tho state system i the tho committee proposed the super superintendent of ot public Instruction who arCs 1 t would be granted reasonable administrative ad t powers I i iOne One state unit would provide a a s J greater taxing area and make a- a all property in tho the tate state for fer school chool taxation the committee b argued In support of its Ita proposal I While the plan carries danger of ot s bureaucracy legislative atJe fi fe- fe e. e guards were advanced as sa potential buffers buffen for this threat Another educational matter scheduled ache ache- doled to come before the legislature legislature legisla ture turo supported by a strong bloc bloo from Carbon Emery San Bon Juan t Grand Orand and Duchesne t hied counties is a proposal to construct a University of Utah junior collect ff branch at Price On the basis of ot lii assessed valuation population pop and area Involved residents of if the re region re re- gion lion believe they are entitled to ta th the I. I institution With State Senator George MUter Miller Mil MU- Jd ler ter profaning preferring 20 acres acrea of ot ground around as site for the college and end numerous numer t ous ors legislators of the district pledged pledge n nad ed ad to support the move it is 18 gaining pining gain pin ing impetus rapidly A familiar face may be lacking when the January making lawmaking sea ces cession don sion convenes State Senator Hugh fJ M M. Woodward of ot Provo is expected to submit his hla resignation to Gover Governor GOvernor nor Henry II n. Blood any day n now w While the senator declines either elther to affirm or denY reports report he be win It is 15 believed likely he will I quit to devote his time tune to his new f H post as regional director of education and and re recreation projects 4 Caught between demands for tax Ux reduction and measures requiring additional income the legislature r will new revenue worries from Townsend clubs demanding a state old age pension of 60 to io I person 60 years year old or more propose raising pension penson pena by applying w a I 1 state transactions tax after the I manner of Dr Francis E Towns Townsend's Townsends Town Town- 14 sends send's original national pension pension- t. t recovery plan 11 Dissension in the ranks ranka of ot Utah's I predominantly Democratic law law lawmakers t makers apparently will cause little a or no difficulty The Maw Blood I h feud of pre pre-f pre election days appears appear to have been smothered mOthered once and for all aU A sub-committe sub of the state tate Bourbon organization ended a recent recent recent re re- cent meeting with announcement that ever on n will wUl get his shore share of 01 patronage and that in handing banding it out committee members will act ct without reference to any aWi past put party differences f |