Show Flanigan Wins d Lighting Prize kt teen i dollar donar cash prize of- of the Junior Chamber of oft on t for lor the most appropriate decoration in the rester resl- resl er mind t was as awarded to toa a in for the unusual h fit ire detail of the ChristI Christ Christ- e I depicted In his rock miniature homes of varies var- var rP ies who celebrate Christ Christ- rid over the highlight lie ere being a tiny manger mangeri i of the Holy Family I the eastern star hung hungt t I to most effectively light 1 A pine tree In m the gar- gar also gaily lighted to add the of the scene other homes were worthy mention including beau- beau trees at the Frank W. W H Jr Leigh homes hones I treatment of the Santa h and wreaths flanked flanked I I mas candles at the I i home a fine display display i toys and Santa Claus Glaus onn on on I op of Moroni Perrys Perry's vely tely lighted greetings I to is i Junge and Mrs Ann I ones omes and various light light- light light-I I at et the home of T T. C. C CI It Macfarlane Clarence CIar nce Root fit C. C J j. j Beasley I Id d and many others too to toI r Chamber board boats of appreciation for lid d interest I shown by I I vino tho ho cooperated in this i pt to fo specially light the She he Christmas holidays I that more prizes Ibe be awarded It is their I I ogress from the begin I V. V made this year to ober obder ob- ob der er Interest that from season season I eventually Cedar t be one one of the best de- de de l lea b in the state to I toys |