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Show l : 1- GUNNISON VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL I NOTES I u i ' J j Assembly. Last Friday the junior class gave the program in assembly, it being the first to be given in the gym this year. The program was as follows: Invocation by Mr. Watts; wrnet duet, Virg-il Anderson and Lloyd Nielsen; vocal duet, Louise Myrup and Twylla Buchanan; mandolin and vocal solo, Donna Sorenson; tap dance, Louine Borg and Alice Christiansen; Chris-tiansen; clarinet quartet, Nedra Farr, Rita Voorhees, Laura Fay Jensen Jen-sen and Lucille Modeen. Mr. Bard-j sley announced that the first lyceum number would be held October 18. He also said that a new loud speaking speak-ing system would be installed in the gymnasium to be tried out in all i different ways, and if it works suc-j cessfully it wb.uldi probably stay there. Basketball Tournament. Starting Monday, the boys that are out for basketball will start an elimination basketball tournament-They tournament-They have been divided into six different dif-ferent teams, which will furnish ( ! some good competition for each ' j other. The games will be played af-' ' ter school Monday, when the first three games will get under way. The j teams were chosen by the captains as follows: Keith Amtoft, captain; "Forrest Hill, Ramon Nielsen, LeNoy ' Christiansen, Roland Wh'tJock, Jay Kump, Robert Munk. Renno Peter-! Peter-! son, captain; Earl Goates, Bud San-I San-I ders, Eldon Olsen, Gene Peterson, Hart Taylor, Keller Christensen. Cloyd Christensen, captain; Robert Jensen, Hawn Nielsen, Virgil Anderson, Ander-son, Royal Whitlock, Vasca Despain, Robert Larsen. Russel Jensen, captain; cap-tain; Moyal Sorenson, Sheldon Rosenberg, Ro-senberg, Glen Buchanan, Gale Jensen, Jen-sen, Quinten Bardsley, Ivan Jensen. Earl Edwards, captain; Lamar Peterson, Pe-terson, Aaron Kejisel, Arden Hill, j Dwight Malmgren, Wayne Christensen, Christen-sen, Max Anderson. Max Sorenson, captain; Lloyd Nielsen, Everett All-red, All-red, Keith Olsen, Floyd Kaneko, Otto Ot-to Jensen, Lee Morgan. Entertaining Program. j An asr)embly was held Tuesday , and the program was rendered as follows: Vocal trio, Pauline Michael-j Michael-j sen, Maizie Myrup and Nedra Farr. : These three girls, along with M'ss Ekins, who gave a reading, gave the same program Wednesday night at the Richfield high school. Torch bearers Organize. The Torchbearers home economics club has selected its officers for the coming year as follows: President, Maizie Myrup; vice-president, Louine Borg: secretary - treasurer, Lucille Frischkrecht; reporter, Beth Bardsley; Bard-sley; chairman dinner-dance, Elaine McTff; chairman of Spring Festival, Hazel Peterson; program committee, Eileen Jolley, Enid Olsen and Sarah Kimura. |