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Show DELINQUENT NOTICE. i West View Irrigation Company, principal place of business, Gunni-ion, Gunni-ion, Utah. Notice. There are delinquent de-linquent upon the following described de-scribed stock, on account of assess-nent assess-nent levied on the 16th day of September, Sep-tember, 1920, the several amounts jet opposite the names of the respective re-spective shareholders, as follows: :iert No. No Name. Shares. Amt. 16 Alfred H. Lund-.... 10 $20.00 174 Alfred H. Lund .. 90 180.00 139 C. H. Pickett 100 200.00 31 Fred Christenson24 .49.00 '02 John Nelson" 20 40.00 '95 Edward S. Childs 150 80.00 .91 Edward S. Childs 10 20.00 207 Joseph Hendrick- - son 20 40.00 192 Joseph Hendrick- son .. 10 20.00 i.93 Orvel Hendrickson 10 20.00 208 Helmina Hen- ' drickson 20 40.00 66 Charle3 Bjerre- ! gard 16.5 33.00 !06 Charles Bjerre- I gard 20.5 41.00 64 Andrew Anderson 37.5 75.00 77 Wm. Draper 14 28.00 .S8 Wm. Draper 8 16.00 :11 Andrew Rasmus-sen Rasmus-sen 30 60.00 18 Andrew Rasmus-sen Rasmus-sen 5.41 10.82 64 L. Earl Christenson Christen-son 6 14 12.50 '79 Ellis E. Johnson 25 50.00 57 Ellis E Johnson 100.68 201.36 70 J. H. Neal 244 448.00 84 Peter Mayer 80 ' 160.00 26 James P. Mayer .. 70 140.00 72 Niels Mayer 20 40.00 27 Clifford C. Mayer.. 70 140.00 .82 Dilworth Woolley 80 160.00 89 Dilworth Woolley 9 18.00 10 Joseph Brown- stein 35 70.00 US Joseph Brown-stem Brown-stem 40 80 00 44 G. J Whitbeck .... 40 SO. 00 75 M. D. Beauregard 10.42 20.84 58 Wm. M. Voorhees 20 40.00 68 Moroni Jenson .... 33 66.00 02 Moroni Jenson .... 12 24.00 62 Middletown Trust Co., trustee 100 200.00 11 A. A. Nordfelt .... 12 25.00 97 Clarence M.Childs 45 90.00 15 Clarence M.Childs 12 , 24.00 04 Lovell Childs 10 20.00 nd in accordance with the law and 1 order of the Board of Directors, i many shares of each parcel . of tch stock as may be necessary, will i sold at the office of the company Gunnison, Utah, on the lit hday .' December, 1920. at the hour of 2 'clock p. m., to pay delinquent as-issment as-issment thereon, together with the "st of advertising and expense of lie. C. H. CHILDS. Secretary. Dated, Gunnison, Utah, Nove'nber 5, 1920. Nov. 26t3 |