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Show HUNS WOULD COMPEL LABOR. j . Women and Girls as Well as Men and Boys to Render a Year of Service. S Berlin. Conscription of labor to In- crease production in Germany, a law v - for which is being drafted, would ap-ply ap-ply to girls and women as well as men and hoys, all of whom would be compelled com-pelled to render a year of service in mines, factories, on farms, in hospitals, or wherever the state directed. The proposal, credited to Mathias Erzberger, former minister of finance, 1 has become the storm center of a discussion dis-cussion which has run the scale from invective and threat to ridicule, and now, with the law nearing completion, its proponents have made it apparent they will seek with deadly earnestness to force its passage through the reichs-tag. reichs-tag. On the other hand, the opponents of the measure, including the powerful Socialist faction, have declared they . will oppose the passage with every means at hand and should they fail, ' will later seek to vitiate the legisla tion. |