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Show Gunnison's Public School Playgrounds J (Ky John E. Metcalf.) lid the boys and girls make una of the apparatus which has been placed on the public school grounds? Aik them. Is it worth Tslnle to place such ap-pa; ap-pa; atus for their use ? In answering this question. I must say there is no better way to tcaen children to be honorable and straigh: than to give them an opportunity to play normally with other children. Theodore Roosevelt said, "It Is the trravest kind of wrong, not only to the children, bat to the vhi'i-. community, com-munity, to tu;-:; ut boys auj girlj Willi no place to play but ii' th streets." United States Commissioner of Education Elmer E. Brown says, "In fact, 1 think it would be difficult to tfind any point at which, in our cities, a dollar will go further in the muk-j muk-j lug of those things for which thi city exists than in the provision and maintenance of play grounds." cmert nubbard said, "Take cars of tne boys and the girls and the wel-! wel-! f ire of society will he insured." I .1 to once said, "The play o." children chil-dren has the mightiest influence ou the maintenance or non-maintonane of laws." I We have the following apparatu installed and in use by our boys and girls; a 30-foot ware slide, an eight ladder eiant stride, a set of si swings, bass ball euuipujeut, basket tail court and a see-saw outfit which isn't completed as yet. Jn the financll statement which follows you can see we are lacking $252.14 in paying for this equipment. equip-ment. A drive' will be called in the near future to raise this amount. Money Received. Christmas Program 1919 $ 27.00 Picture show 1919 $ IS. 02 Pupils donaton toward apparatus $ 29.80 Public subscription drive.. ..$325. 20 Chautauqua fund $ 23.18 Total $423.80 Money Extended. Catchers mlt, two balls, two bats $ 11.05 Six swings and flttiogs $ 61.75 Giant stride head piece and ladders $ 32.32 Express on swings and t Giant stride $ 31.43 Wave slide $200.00 Freight on slide $ 29.96 20 sacks cement $ 30.00 Pipe $131.92 Freight on pipe from Salt Lake Hardware $ 7.63 3 loads gravel 4.50 .Labor of installing apparatus $103.80 Pad-lock : 2.00 Bolts, fittings, etc ? 2.80 Overdraft at bank $ 23. IS Total $675.94 |