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Show Society j Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Christensen were "host and hostess to the members mem-bers of the Tuesday Evening club last Saturday evening. After a session ses-sion of Progressive Five Hundred al which Mrs. J. E. Metcalf and H. W. Cherry were victors for the prizes, Mrs. Christensen served a deliciou? 'luncheon. The Gunnison Dramatic club com-pleted com-pleted the reading of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer's Night's Dream," at a meeting held at the home of Miss tRhth Frischknecht last Friday evening. eve-ning. At the next meeting of the club a broad discussion of the work of Shakespeare will be taken up. Following the meeting at the home of Miss Frischknecht light refreshments refresh-ments were served by the hostess. Yesterday afternoon the members of the Bonne Foi club were the guests of Mrs. J. W. Jones. Following Fol-lowing the working period of needle craft and a reading by Mrs. E. L. Swalberg, light refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ray B. Metcalf were host and hostess at a dinner party-Wednesday party-Wednesday evening. Table decorations decora-tions were of carnations and asters Covers were laid for twelve and following fol-lowing dinner Progressive Five Hundred Hun-dred was played. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ferre entertained enter-tained some twenty friends at their home, last evening, at a social time. Progressive Five Hundred was played and prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rasmussen. Dutrnig the evening several selection of vocal and instrumental music were given. At 11 o'clock Mrs. Ferre served refreshments. |