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Show Gunnison Gossip By 0. Nemo. Doot it seem a little funny, that about all the fellows who are interested interest-ed in the "good roads" scraze, are owners of automobiles? Gasoline seems to arouse a slumbering virtue, evjn in tbe hearts of tee plutocrats, to such a degree that they arc willing the public shall fill up the chuck I holes. Speaking about good roads, there is a so-called road to the depot, which is a corker, and no credit to the city. Strangers coming to the city surely strike the high places, and bump the bumps alright. This highway should be kept in the very best condition possible at all times ; a'jd it is more important to our people than a race track from Logan to St. George. A monkey in a cage is a very interesting in-teresting creature, and a clown or contortionist can be endured a short time in a circus ; but when it cobipb to turning a coarse yokelloose, in front of the grand stand pt a ball game, it is going beyond the limit. The simian descendant who gave an ex hibition at the ball park last Monday, ought to be caged, or sent to a red lifirbt vaudeville show, where hnnnnlr) exhibit to bis kind. That self-advertised lion slayer, late of Oyster Bay, has slipped his halter, and has broken loose in the West. He has been shooting words more rapid than a gattling gun, and firing the mercurial western mind into in-to a streak of volcanic blaze. Like Halley's comet, he strews his pathway with nebulous gas and strenuous motion, mo-tion, and like the comet will soon pass out. of sight. An old man at Fargo, S. D. callad him a liar, the other day, so be now knows how it feels himself. He being the father of the Anuanias club, will now be entitled to stand at the foot of the class, and spell his way to the head. As a politician, he is as potential as a dynamite bomb at a pink tea party. |