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Show I - I Just received part of a car STEEL RANGES and HEATING STOVES. Every- I X cne who has teen dealing with me knows i that I sell the best goods and save them a lot of money. I can do the same on stoves. j I Come In and See. f I OSWELL BECK I CENTERFIELD, UTAH. trm t Lion Brand Clothing Our Winter shipment of Men's and Boys Suits have just arrived. Of excellent quality and up to date in style and prices Within Reach Of All. Gunnison Bargain Store; Peter Christiansen, Manager. A Question "Where can I deposit my money where it will be SAFE and where I can HAVE IT WHEN WANTED?" We believe we can truthfully truthful-ly say that The Gunnison Valley Bank is the institution that fully answers the question. Your money deposited in this bank is SAFE, and can be WITHDRAWN WHEN WANTED. Small accounts solicited and will receive the same attention as the large. YOU CAN BEGIN TODAY; ANY AMOUNT WILL DO. Gunnison Valley Bank W.H. GrlliMe, lJres. O.B. Berglund.Viec- Pres J. T. Jones, Cash. J. W. Jones. Asst Cash. Fall and Winter Goods Now Arriving Visit our store and you will find a line of Seasonable Styles that will gratify grati-fy ycu. All our goods can be depended on for exclusive designs, snappy and 1 stylish. It is a pleasure to show you ? oar goods The best in all this season's offerings. . : : : : : s !THE STORE OF QUALITY. g THE HOME OF RELIABLE GOODS. I Gunnison Co-Op, g 0. B. BERGLUND, Manager. 1 i ! l The Snow Academy ; t Opens Sept. 13, 1910, I I at Ephraim. I I I X Courses offered: Normal, j High-School, Commercial, Agricultural, Domestic Science t Dressmaking, Blacksmithing, I Carpentry, Music, Prepara- J t tory, and .Missionary. 4 Board and lodgings $2.75 to 3 per week i X Rent of rooms $1.00 to $1.50 per room - t NO SALOONS. 1 1 - - ... . .. |