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Show Gunnison Opera House THREE NIGHTS COMMENCING Monday, September 19 THE FAMOUS Christy Comedy Company Presenting High-class Farce Comdey. Strictly up to date vaudeville and all the latest specialties. Iiish, Black aud White face comedians. Good singing, goo-l music and all kiods of dancing. A performance without a ptralu l. A cyclonic gale of laughter and tear?. Simply buy your ticket and laugh when you feel the fit coming on. Popular price?, 10, 20 acd 30c. Reserves seats on fale at Peterson's OPENS SEPT 201910. I '""''"i 1 ""fV c"!is fOT overalls that " vv--'v4v 'i't .S4oV VS(f will endure great strain . "v';7?v&v rfcli " Y--3B; I si. . and rcujji wear, as well 39 '"-W-';'73ffi5l TtSf ST:-'." 3SK3V?W$3S afford protection to tbs body, "&,:iSj5f . V6' and fit comfortably at every point, feSigfc. . p,VWV.SSW yX-jfoat the marked superiority of 535V ? ' VA 5F lT's k B" 1 T Jr. IT'S A F1T W r - fi U-v! Overalls is acknowledeed. They ore made of pure i'.'.ts? ri V jV i3f 8 indieo denim that wears like buckskin. The Mats. s. v j Opl lgs snd bottoms, are the widest of any overall A 6p " i mace. Buttons and buckles have the stayine quail- ypxz v 'V. if " V ties that workmen like. The stitching Is done with $':t l,- y A J, seams; the suspenders are the longest In the ivj'SJ ft i-A tJfW S world; they arealsowidetokeepthemfromcurllng t!&.? r "i m up In a hard roll on the shoulders. There are seven Jeg.J - A. "-t pockets, two hip, two front, one moneyforje rule and , 5 jt. Zfi"? one combination pencil and watch pocket. I r -V't'P V The many points of superiority of FiTZ Overalls gC-3r V 1 ft rf A make them the favorite with every man who wears S'ijj v "T sr J them. Call and see us, and we will sbow you that ' Vs- W s2fl FiTZ Overalls are the best made. For Sale By GUNNISON, UTAH C. E. HALVERSON Proprietor The Gunnison Valley BARBER SKOP All Work Guaranteed! Once come, always stay. Hot Baths always ready. Hair Tonic, Guanrrtoed.-r.tQ Cure Dandruff. Cream for Chapped hands and face. REMEMBER THE PLACE Basement of Bank Building. A. N. Cherry LAWYER & NOTARY PUBLIC Will practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office over Gunnison Valley Bank. GUNNISON, - - UTAH. Dr. C. W. Bird DEDTIST ' , OFFICE OVER DRUG STORE (J UN M SON, - - I TAJI Office open first week of ear-h month. Gunnison Livery and Feed Stables. In connection with U. S. Mail, haul Passengers and Express. We drive to MantI, Salina.Juab, Sclplo and other points HACKS MEET ALL TRAINS. Prices Reasonable Phone No. 10. M. Beauregard & Son, Prop's Land For Sale Gunnison City has a tract of land on the bottoms, containing about 7 acres, which ie offeredfer sale. Consult Con-sult Mayor Knighton or the undersigned. under-signed. JOSEPH CHRISTENSON, City Recorder. O. 8. B6RGLUND Notary Public. Gunnison, Utah. O. B. BERGLUND Arrapine Ranch, Gunnison. - - - Utah. 1 ""'"".liJiiiiJMm w V. H. GRIBBLE Live Stock Gunnison - - Utah Denver & Rio Grande Railroad SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. 3 FAST TRAINS DAILY 3 i to all points east. I Through PULLMAN and TOURIST SLEEPERS between j Salt Lake Denver, Chicago and St. Louis, without change of cars, DINING CARS on all through trains. TRAINS LEAVE GUNNISON Northbound, 11:31 a. m. Southbound, 1:40 p. rr. For descriptive pamphlets or other informatirn call on, t;r a . I. A. BENTON, G.A.P.D. IRA OVERFti . Salt Lake City, Uath AGent, Gunnison www ...MqtaHggrTS University of Utah lft'( S j The Head of the Public School System of Utah j 4 Schools SL- 150,000 Laboratary I H nial School, or the School of Education, the C y ri i fMrri Q tl paratus, machinery and 9 State School of Mines, and a School of CLJUl jj ill til I tools, etc, are new tmd i H Medicine are embraced by the University of the very best. I 1 of Uub' . I I W Departments lnt!ludins the Co-Educational SeT to"! It I JJ UClJal lmC1HJi Department of partment8 The Dean of Women lo.ks after P Law, which is part of the School of Arts tb(J wefare of the young womt)U 8tudrnts fcj and Sciences, i I 125 Instructors L2Jz SXm is it Not? TJZ greatest Universities of this country aud awa? 10 Bcho0' wllsu stL'dent9 come from tbe ; Europe East and the West, the North and tbe South, j and the far countries of the earth to attend ' 1879 Students IIZ '-"'- E children of the Training School, more than p , . Registration of students, 2200 young people received instruction in the I dl lltUldl b September 15th, 16th ! University buildings last year. aod 17, Registration fee .? 10.00; after the $QAA fnf PIlliltnont Embraces 17th, S12.00. Regular work begins Septem- 0 HOOU,VUv ClJUlplllClll 10 brick 19th. Inquire of local agents for railroad and stone buildings, 92 acres of grounds, and r-iro. Catalog, Picture Bulletin and com- g other University property. plete information sent free upon request. j Address: UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Salt Lake City, Utah I ' - - E. L. Parry & Sons, MASONS and STONE CUTTER mtmf Gr2nite ancI barbie Monuments, ' Hihk Headstones, Mantles, Grates, IRON and STEEL FENCES. MANTI, Sanpete Co. UTAH. TRADE MURAL The quality ol what you have to sell is known to some people ail of the time and all of the people some of the time, but advertise regularly regu-larly with us and you'll reach I all of the people all of the time, j |