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Show Out-going Officers Banquetted. Entertaining Social at Home off Mrs. Thales H. Edwards. At the home of Mrs. Thales H. Edwards on Factory street, a very pleasing and highly entertaining en-tertaining social was given Wednesday Wed-nesday night in honor of tho out-going officers of the Ladies' Self-Culture Club. Mombors of tho Club and their husbands and a few specially invited guests wero present over forty guests in all. The decorations wore pink and white carnations. Tho fore part of tho evening was enjoyable spent in a musical musi-cal romance contest. Neat cards bearing questions to bo answered answer-ed by names of popular songs wers destributed to the guests and Essie E. Foulger played strains of the aires on the piano while the crowd ammused them selves in filling in the answers. Mesdames Hazel Chapman, Larelda Capeuer and Celia M. Grover were successful in answering ans-wering tho questions correctly and drew for the prize, a bound volume,which was awarded Mrs. Chapman, The consolation prize, a rattlo, went to David Darton. Following are the questions and answers: What was tho horoino's name! Annie Laura. What was tho hero's name? Robin Adair. Where was she born? Dixio. Where was ho born? Suwanee river Where did thoy meet? Cdming through tho rye. What time of day was it Just as the sun wont down. When did ho propose? After tho ball. What did ho say? Just one girl. What did sho say? Love, I will lovo you always. What did ho then bid her? Good byo, little girl, good bye. What did tho band play? Tho girl T left behind mo.' Whore did ho go? Marching througft Georgia. Whoro did ho spend the night? Tenting on tho old camp ground What did the band play whon he camo home? When Johnnie comes marching home. Whore wore they married? In my old Kentucky home. Who were the bride's maids? Two littlo girls in blue. Who furnished tho music? Whistling Rufus. where did they make their homo? On the banks of.the Wabash. What was their motto? Home, sweet homo. Whoro did they always remain? America. During tho ovoning vocal solos wero rendered byEssioE. Foulger, Foul-ger, Marie Wing, R. L. Bush and D- C. Chapman and piano solos were given by J. C. Wheel-on Wheel-on and Mrs. Merlin Steed. Tho choosing of partners for lunch was an amusing feature. The ladies stood behind a sheet with pillow slips drawn over their heads and the gentlemen selected their partners from tho "white- topped' aggregation. Handsome pink and white lunch baskets wore distributed, woll filled with choice eatables. The lunch hour was spent in social conversation and in listening to an impromptu program. Tho social was a rousing success,. |