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Show I UTAH STATE NEWS The National Copper bank opened for business In Salt Lake City on Uuno All public gatherings havo closed I nt Gunnison as a precaution against Uio further spread of scurlet fever. About 100 electrical workers ot 1 (3nlt Lake City nro on strlko for an jnerenso In wages and better working I conditions. It cost the government $4,125 to 0 I take the census of Salt Lake City, 'm while tho cost for the entire state KJjg will bo about $27,000. Ifl Drown Hail, a carpenter, foil from the second story of a building In Salt Lake City, sustaining injuries Wmcli ircsutled in his death a few hours Tho plant of tho Mnnti Light & Power company was burned on May 31, tho loss bolng $17,000. The fire was started by a defective high-ten-nlon wire. Roldo Peacock, 42 years old, ol fl Sterling, was Instantly killed May 31, as the result of a runaway accident, his neck being broken and his body badly mangled. : Hyrum McFnrland, a well known i nhcopmnn who lived in Ogdcu, while H; attempting to board a train nt Carlln, H'- Novada, fell beneath tho wheels and was horribly mangled. I Weber county last year shipped ' 600,000 cases of fruit and vegetables. This year it is bollevcd the number , of cases shipped to other markets will bo more than 1,000,000. Eureka city Is now out of debt, the last two bonds on the water sys-tern, sys-tern, amounting to $1,000 and $55 in 1 terest, being paid, and the city has now in its treasury a neat sum. ' , Frank Jncobs, who was arrested at H. ' Ogdon on tho charge of drunkenness and who was released from the city J jail later, attempted to drown him- 1 self In the Weber river, but was res- cued by a passerby. Two hundred union carpenters gathored up their tools at the major- I Ity of the buildings in course of con- structlon in Ogdon Thursday morning H. I n.nd went on strlko for an increase Hf of wages from $4 to $4.50 a day. Ralph Hogan, a stockyard employe, was porhaps fatally injured at Ogdon whllo unloading hogs. Ho was in a car trying to force the swlno Into tho shoots when tkey began milling and Hogan was thrown off his feet and undor tho hogs. Two steeple-jacks climbed to the topmost plnlcalo ot tho Mormon torn-pie torn-pie In Salt Lake City, on May 31, and ndjusted tho trumpet to the Hps of the statuto Moroni, which had been jork-cd jork-cd loose as tho. result of a dynamite explosion In tho near vicinity. I From all over Utah and Idaho comos reports of moro victims of D. S. Bis-man, Bis-man, tho fako commission man, who seems to havo swindled hundreds of farmers, by offering high prices for tholr produce, and falling to pay them after ho had disposed of their ship-ments. ship-ments. I With 4,000 acres of tomatoes plant- cd within a short distance of tho twenty-two canning factories of We-ber We-ber county and tho present indications pointing to the largest crop in many years, tho canning Industry promises to break all records during tha ship-ping ship-ping season. State Statistician Haines has com-piled com-piled a stateemnt of the cement pro-ducts pro-ducts of tho Btato for 1009. There was a total of 501,500 barrels of co-tnont, co-tnont, of tho value of $647,030, mnnu-factured mnnu-factured in Utah In the year. The cement plants paid out in wages in tho year $251,111. Citizens of Wlllard havo petitioned the Ogdon city council to mako nn appropriation for the care of a dog which, it Is alleged, was Injured by being run over by an automobile In which the mayor and members of the city council of Ogden wcro riding. Goorgo Cocheron, 85 years old, a resident of Salt Lako City, who has , been giving his relatives endless wor- ry through his reapetcd efforts at belt-destruction belt-destruction Is to bo sent to tho stato mental hospital. Cocheron made four unsuccessful attempts in one day to end his life. Willard nrlnghurst, a resident of , Salt Lake, has been arrested on tho ohafgo of being Implicated In the rob- I bory of tho Layton bank, tho hold up of a gambling house In Salt Lako City, tho holdup of a saloon In Park City, and numerous other crimes 1 which havo baffled tho officers. One day last week Frank Stevon-son, Stevon-son, the woll-known trapper of Eph-'i Eph-'i rlam, returned from tho mountains ' with a brown boar, which he had i caught in a trap near the White H' ,j ledge. This Is tho fifth boar Mr. H.' Stevenson has caught in that vicinity. ( It will probably weigh 300 pounds. BJ |