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Show 1 grnHii wmuii i iijucj6JutuatiaaaijjJMimiwBni J Mass Meeting. 7. Notice is hereby given that a Mass Meeting will bo held at the Garland hall Sunday (tomorrow) (to-morrow) at 8:4i) p. m., for the purpose of discussing the matter mat-ter of celebyating the glorious 4th of July. Everybody invited. invit-ed. Garland Town Board, by D. C. Chapman, Town Clerk. Opening of 12,ooo Acres Carry Act Lands. At Weisor, Idaho, Juno 14th, under Crane Creek Project. Reduced Re-duced rates via Oregon Short Line. Tickets on sale June 11th, 12th and Kith, limited to June 18th. See agents for rates and further particulars. m28-jll Buy a genuine $i.;jO hand-painted hand-painted fruit bowl for $2.45 at Riter Bros. jll-tf A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or of any other nature, demands prompt treatment with Bucklen's Arnica Ar-nica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It's tho quickest, surest healer for all such wounds as also for Burns, Boils, Sores, Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Chapped Hands, Corns and Piles. 25c at All Druggists. I Our Bank The relations existing betweon this Bank and its Customers are close and H cordial. We ostoom it n compliment to I hnvo our friends nnd patrons lay claim I to this institution of being 1 Their Bank. If Is Also Yours? I THE BANK OP GARLAND. jjjj Moslah Evans, resident Ellas A. Smith, Vicc-Prcaldont. M. D. Evans. Cashier. 1 ACCOUNTS and LOANS SUBJECT to EXAMINATION by STATE DANK EXAMINER The splondid work of Chamberlain's Cham-berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablots is daily coming to light. No such grand romedy for liver and bowol troubles was over known before-. Thousands bless them for curing constipation, constipa-tion, sick headache, biliousness, bilious-ness, jaundice aiuf indigestion. Sold by All Dealers. THERE ARE TWO HONEST WAYS I in which a poor man may become H wealthy. One is by saving a part off H his income regularly and putting it into H the Bank until it ammounts to a com- H ffortable fortune. The other is by saving his money and H investing it into profitable enterprises. In either case the Bank is necessary. Whichever way you try, this Bank is H glad to hold out a helping hand and as- H sist you in every way possible. Have H an account with us become one off our fl customers and see. , State Bank of Brigham City. H UNDER STATE SUPERVISION AND CONTROL. |