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Show WOULD TAX DOWRIES r, ., 1 ' , American mllllonalro fnthers aro going to bo ttSfav forced to pay a 25 per cent nd vnlorem export jaB8Sw.K "'llty on a11 tho heiresses they ship to Europe Just .' Y "TEWi t, ' ns Boon ns Congressman Adolph J. Subnth of 1111-fl 1111-fl flSw " nols llas ,llfJ way- Mr- Snbath has ombodled his ? 38 (SmKL l(lca8 ln a recently introduced in tho house. A 3Wre,gSp Mr. Snbath Is tired of seolng so much good v ,lJBEl,'fr mono BlnB to tho cofforB of tho European no-' no-' i"m uShON'V'' hillty. If the scions want to becomo Amorlcan cltl-lwl"v.t cltl-lwl"v.t Z0IIH weI1 anl B0(l' Mr. Sabath's measuro will ' ,! VJBjv:) "v relievo tho family of tho necessity of paying tho Wy7 ! llut5'' I"s bill provides thnt a tnx of 25 per cont. y'TTy i- on "(,owrles' Gifts, Bottlomonts or advances lTr ' of l,oncrt' mai in consideration of or in con- rv Jl '7 tomplntion of mnrrlngo by n citizen of tho United y I States to a person othor than a citizen of tho United States" shall bo paid Into tho natlonnl treasury. Mr. Sabath Is from Chicago and Is a IJohomlan not tho sort thnt wears velvet coats and talka lltoraturo and art with capital letters, but tho real geography kind. Ho wasn't a nobleman In his own country and It may bo that ho doesn't llko tho brand very well, At any rnto ho certainly 1b taking stops to hit tho hereditary rulers of IiIb fatherland In tliolr weakest spot. Mr. Snbath has long Hats of figures which bhow that tho shlpmont of money across tho Atlantic in tho steamer trunks belonging to Amorlcan brldoa of titled husbands Is ono ot the greatest dralnB on the wealth of the United States. Now It's up to tho houso nnd sennto to show whethor tho congress of tho United States Is going to do something to suvo theso areat fortu.vA for u tow very worthy young men who can voto ln this couutry. |