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Show KEEN INTELLIGENCE WANTED. A Story That Illustrates What Bank Are Looking For. Plorco Jay, tho commissioner of banks of Mnssnchusetts, nt tho Amorl enn Bankers' association's convention in St. Louis, advocated a bettor accounting ac-counting system. "But abovo nil," said Mr. Jny, in n discussion of his Idea, "wo want Intelligence Intel-ligence If embezzlement Is to bo thoroughly thor-oughly put down. SystouiB nro good, but Intelligence Is bettor, nnd In cashiers cash-iers and tollors nnd bookkeopors nnd noto clorks wo wnnt tho samo keon, quick Intelligence that characterized old Capt. Hiram Cack of Gloucester. "Cack lay vory 111. Ono day ho got down-hearted, feeling that his casa was hopeless. " 'I fear, doctor,' ho said, 'thero Isn't much hopo for mo,' '"Oh, yes, thero Is,' tho doctor answered. an-swered. 'Threo yenrs ago I wns In your condition precisely, and look at mo now. "Cack, Intolllgont and nlert. said quickly: '"What doctor did you havo?"' |