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Show GRUESOME FIND IN OAKLAND Body of Woman, Sacked and Burled, Unearthed by Workmen. Oakland, Cal. Workmen, making nn excavation for a sower at tiro' cor-nor cor-nor of Gibson and Kimball avenues In Klmhurst, dlscovored tho dead body of a woman In n sack, burled about threo foot under ground. A quantity of quick II mo was also In tho sack, and tho remains woro so badly decomposed decom-posed as to bo unrecognizable. Tho body wbb found not fat from tho homo of A. Wllklns, who 1b now In tho Alameda Ala-meda county Jail, charged with tho murder of Mrs. Vcrna Carmen, formerly for-merly of Kansas City, with whom ho lived, and whoso body was dug up In-sldo In-sldo a shed back of their rcBldonco. Wllklns admits that Ira burled this woman, but asseits that sho committed com-mitted suicide. |