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Show I Wedding Bells. I Mr. Howard Evans of this city and 'ffLg MIssGraco Harding of Provo, wcro united 'Jig ,n marriage Monday at tho City and jir County Building In Salt Lake City, ill Mr. Evans Is tho son of Mr and Mrs. I ' Moslah Evans and holds tho position of '.I Asst. Bookccpcrat tho ofllco of tho Utah P Idaho Sugar Co. m Miss Harding Is tho daughter of Mr V. and Mrs Jcsso Harding of Provo and is ; I one of Provo's most popular young ladles, " I They will mako this city their home. I Mr. and Mrs Evans returned. home 1 Thursday evening. ' ' 'rbc Q'ol,e cx'en(1s congratulations and ' I best wishes. |