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Show ITEMS OF INTEREST. ,1 A ltosliiu wii.h lii town TIniiday. I 1 0 li Winters spent Sunday with Ids fmnlly In Ogden. j J It Smith of 8alt Luke City, whs lien- ( on cusir.ctt.Thursdty. ' Oct your clothes cleaned nud presnd t the Plnc! Hitrber Shop. It S .1 F Ftatherstoiu nnd Kph Cootnln i jvere Salt I. alir vlsllors Thursday. l'A NoidquUt mid 0 K Vllon ip- tin nod .Monday from 11 visit to Ogifen. j Mrs. Mnry NordijiiM, tnnthrr of I' A ! NoTdtinlst, Is visiting relatives In .town, ("let your clothe cleaned nnd pressed ut the Palace Harbor Shop. Il Miss Kllzalicth Ipsen of Ogden, ilstor of Mr.s,P A NordipilM, U visiting rein-lives rein-lives In this city. It K lirtxt'-r, locnl mgr. of the It M 11 Tel. O.. returned Monday from 11 bind-ncsa bind-ncsa trip to 8 I. City. ' Architect A Funk of Hrlglmm wns hero J - NYdiii'Mlay drawing plans for mi nddl- tlon to Kph Coombs residence, Mr. 11 ml Mrs. Wllhird L Wood lire re- Jolng over Iho arrival of 11 lino son tlnit on mo to their home Tuesday night I Slake Conference todav nnd tomorrow .1 W Lewis returned from Ogden Wednesday Wed-nesday evening and reports his wife to he apeeitSy rceovrrlntr fiom the recent oporatlo'fl; I'rest. I.uey A Clarlt went to Snll l.nkc Thursday on Library business and to at tend the reception tendered Mrs H It Wells Friday. The Schaefer Tent and Awning Oo. of Denver, Colo, mailed this ollice one of their liMidsomc, folio of limps a few days ago. Thanks. J Miss Mary Howen, accompanied by j MlfS Maggie .Miller of Spanish Fork, ie-! ie-! turned lininc Inst week from a two months visit in that city, M F Cowley of Salt Lako Olty and W I) Craiiucy of I.ognu, representatives of tho Hcnellclal Mfo Insurance Co., were In Garland a fwdays this week. Mr. and Mrs. (.' G Aduey and Miss Minute Smith of Corlnno enmu up last Friday to attend the Character Hall given by the Library ami Gymnasium Hoard. Get your clothes cleaned and pressed nt the Falacc Harhcr Shop. It WINES "d Lliiuors for .Medicinal purosas at Itltcr llros Drug Store, tf F I, Walker returned Friday from Sy-' Sy-' raeuso, where he went to attend thu funeral fun-eral of tho 15-inontlis old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Itampton, held in that j placo Wednesday, Feb. to. ! The Modern Woodmen of America I havo organized 11 cump of IT members in this city with I lie following ofllccrs: II. Boyd, Consul; F F Gross, Advisor-. 0 .1 Campbell, Clerk; and J F Owens, Hanker FOR'SA LE Good . Folding Hed. Apply to Ilurdctt Smith. tf SuptT II Edwards, wife nud children spent Sunday In Hrlgham. Host, Mgr. Moslah Kvans made a Hying tt Ip to Ogden mid Hrlgham Wednesday, Mr. nud Mrs. A It Manilla returned Wednesday evening from n visit to tho statu capital. The sou of Mr. and Mra Frank Senrel Is vuito low with an attack of Hroncho-piieumoula. Hroncho-piieumoula. Don't lot whiskey get tho best of I you get tho beat of whiskey at the Garland Club Snloon. tf Mr. and Mrs. T K Sccrlst nnd family left yesterday morning for Farmlngton, where Mrs. Sccrlst mid her children will reside during tho absence of her husband who leaves for n mission to tho Southern States tho foro part of next mouth. Mr. Sucrist has leased his farm to J F Featli-crstoue Featli-crstoue nud Frank Woods has rented the house. Looks suspicious, Frauk. A Jackson county tanner who found an nuto horn in thu road one day and look it home and taught his chickens to recognize its honk as their feed call. Instead In-stead of calling them m the old-fashioned old-fashioned way, the farmer or his wife .vould bbw the au'o horn One day an automobiltst passed the farm going about fifteen miles an hour and tooting his horn. The chickens near the house took out after the auto and fourteen four-teen hens und three roosters tun themselves to death behind the mpchine. Mis. Alice Storey of Ogden Is vlsltlug in town the guest of hor sister, Mrs, II B Foulgcr. Miss Mabel lilchards. who Is visiting with Mr and Mis Fred Itlchurds, is quite sick with pneumonia. Dr. Mosmiin Is now hero. Call on him us he will remain hut a short time It The man who wrestles with the cow aim lenrns the c.tlves 10 suck, who casts the corn before, the swine, is now in greatest' luck, for butter's on the upper ( grade, veal's higher than a kite, frcfli pork is climbing up the' scale and beef is out of sight, j The eggs he gathers every day 1 from out his chicken coop are; almost worth their weight in I gold, and we are in thu 30up. : I His corn brings fancy prices, it , is rising every day, and he rakes in all kinds of cash for half a ton of hay. The farmer's in the sad-1 die, and when he comes to town, thu rest of 113, by rights, should go 'way back and sit down. Mendon (Mich.) Leader. . I)r Mosman Is hero for a fow days only I Come quick. U |