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Show ART WROUGHT IN IRON. Successful Business Started by Eng.- llsh Woman 8everal Years Ago. n London. About 13 years ago nn English woman, Mrs. Ames-Lydo, was desirous of finding some usoful work to fill the evening hours of tho young men at Thornham Vlllago at King's Lynn, England, nnd after casting about for a subject sho considered tho Idea, of wood-carving, basket-making nnd leather work Industries already In some of tho neighboring parishes but discarded all of them nnd finally choso Ironwork as an excellent nnd manly occupation for tho evening class. To her first Invitation thoro came forward n llttlo group of meq , Sandrirvgkam- I and boys, among whom wns tho village vil-lage blacksmith, a man not brought up to ornamental work naturally, but, ) nevertheless, who was blessed with Intelligent In-telligent possibilities, and Mrs. Ames-Lydo Ames-Lydo was also fortunnto enough to ob-tnln ob-tnln tho services nnd co-operation of .Mr. Elsum, tho villngo school-master, who hnd a tasto for drawing and much prnctical senso nnd knowledge. To start this evening clnss fitly, Mrs. Ames-Lydo sont to London for n teacher teach-er from tho Homo Arts, who gavo somo lessons to theso pupils In tho Italian bent work. Tho workers soon got beyond the restricted form of tho crnft nnd launched forth Into tho freer . nnd moro artistic Iron work dono with 0) the forgo. It so hnppenod thnt tho first order of any kind received at tho Thornham Iron Works was a royal one, nnd this nt tho very beginning or ' Its career! Tho agent nt Semiring-hnm Semiring-hnm tolegrnphed an order for n lamp, ; which must bo executed within a cor- '. tain time. So Mrs. Ames-Lydo Immo- dlntely sat down In tho blncksmlth's fB v shop, got out n design, nnd tho lamp was mado by hor workors within tho appointed tlmo In tho llttlo cottngo with ono forgo, whero nil tho first work wns turned out. Slnco thon tho , Iron workers hnvo been flooded with orders not only from tho royal tamlly and of tho nobility of England, but j abroad. Tho royal family at Sandrlnghnm takes a great personnl Interest In tho work, nnd similar establishments nro likely to crop up In various parts of England as a result of tho amount of notlco tho Thornham undertaking has received. Tho now gnrden gates of the kitchen gnrden nt Sandrlngham wero mad nt Thornham, nnd tho king hns also sevoral lamps from there, both for Indoor nnd outdoor use. Queen Victoria was presented by tho princess prin-cess of Wnles, then duchess of York, with lamps now nt Bnlmoral. At York Cottage aro lamps belonging to tho prlncoss or Wulos. Cnsomonts nnd lamps woro mado tor Princess Charles or Denmark's Iioubo near Sandrlnghnm nnd Sir Dlghton Probyn nt Pnrk Houso, Sandrlnghnm, Is tho owner or nnother lamp. Somo or tho best productions or tho shop nro tho old world grills to plnco JPt In garden wnlls, to glvo glimpses of clmrmlng views llko n framed picture |