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Show CUT OUT FOR A FINANCIER. Shrewd Rascal Made Good Thing Out J of Whistling Geese. Two rogues passed a poultry shop. Seeing two gecso hung up for sale ono of tho rogues inserted in tho gullet of tho gooso a llttlo bulb with whlBtlo attached. When tho bulb was pressed tho whistle sounded. Then, entering tho store, ho told the proprietor that ho had hanging outside out-side a very rare kind of whistling gooso. Tho proprietor nt onco sold tho gooso for a big sum to a very learned professor, who was astonished to hear about the whistling goose Scoklng tho man who had placed tho whlstlo In the gullet of tho bird, the proprietor asked him If he know whero others Hko it could bo obtained. ob-tained. "Well," said tho crafty fellow, "I know of only ono placo, and if you will pay mo a big prlco I will get soveral for you." So tho rogue brought a dozen fowls, in tho gullet of each of which ho thrust a whlstlo, and was paid an exorbitant ex-orbitant price for them boforo tho hoax was discovered. |