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Show I THE HARMING EXPERIENCE OF A LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER After Nerve-racking Vigil Beside Dying Dy-ing Man, He Reaches Shora by Walking Over Long Stretch of Treacherous Ice. Toledo, O. Fleeing In terror over long stretches of treacherous Ico from tiro Toledo harbor llghthouso, whero for seven days ho had boon Imprisoned Impris-oned with the dead body of Captain Delos Ilaydon, Joo Bornor reached tho city Friday afternoon. Ho. brought tho news of tho death to friends and relatives, tolling of tho nerve-racking v vigil bcsldo tho dying tnnn In tho lonely llghthouso nnd his still moro terrifying oxperlenco whllo watching over tho dead body, waiting for a turn In tho weathor which would poimit his escapo over tho Ico. Haydcn wns consclotm to tho last, and loft a message for each of his relatives rel-atives nnd friends. Ho dlod In his faithful companion's arms. llcrnor placed tho body In ono of tho lower rooms of tho llghthouso and began his wait for an opportunity to roach shoro. Around tho llghthouso tho Ico was firm under tiro snow, and when JBomor started ho had Btrong hopes of reaching tho shoro In saroty. Yet tho trip was extremely perilous, ho not bolngycqulppcd with a ptko pole, with which to sound tho Ico. Mnny times ho foil Into nlr holes, going Into tho Icy wntcr to his knees. At many places also ho found opon wntcr nnd frequently ho nnrrowly, nnd by tho merest chanco, escaped death. |