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Show DREADFUL DANDRUFF. Girl's Head Encrusted Feared Loss of All Her Hair Baby Had Milk-Crust Milk-Crust Missionary's Wife Made Two Perfect Cures by Cutlcura. "For sovoral years ' my husband was a missionary In tho Southwest, Every ono in that high and dry at-mos'phero at-mos'phero has moro or less troublo with dandruff and my daughter's Bcalp becamo bo oncrusted with it that I was alarmed for fear she would loso all her hair. After trying various remedies, rem-edies, in desporntion I bought a cako of Cutlcura Soap and a box of Cutlcura Cutl-cura Ointment. They loft tho Bcalp beautirully clean and freo from dandruff, and I am happy to say that tho Cutlcura Remedies wore a complete com-plete success. I havo also used successfully suc-cessfully tho Cutlcura Remedies ror so-called 'milk-crust' on baby's head. Cutlcura is n blessing. Mrs. J. A. Darling, 310 Fifth St., Carthago, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1908." I'ottor Drug & Cbcm. Corp., Solo Trops., Boston. ORIGIN Of a Famous Human Food. The story of the groat discoveries or inventions is always of interest. - An actlvo brain worker who found himself hampered by lack of bodily strength nnd vigor and could not carry out tho plans and" enterprises ho know how to conduct, was led to study various va-rious foods and their effects upon tho human system. In other words, bo- foro ho could carry out his plans he had to find a food that would carry him along and renew his physical and mental strength. Ho know that a food which was a brain and ncrvo bulldci (rathor than a mcro fat maker) was universally needed. Ho know that meat with tho average man does not accomplish tho desired results. Ho know that tho sort gray substance in brain and nerve centers 1b mndo rrom Albumen and Phosphate or Potash obtained rrom rood. Then hostarted to boIvo tho problem. Careful and extensive oxperlmentB ovolved Grape-Nuts, the now famous food. It contains tho brain and ncrvo building food elements In condition for easy digestion. Tho result of eating Grnpo-Nuts dally is easily seen In a marked Bturd.1-ness Bturd.1-ness and marked activity of tho brain nnd nervous system, making it a pleasuro for ono to carry on tho dally duties without fatjguo or exhaustion. Grape-Nuts food is In no .sense a stimulant but Is simply food which renews and replaces the daily wasto of brain nnd norvos. Its flavour 1b charming and being fully and thoroughly cooked at the factory It Is served Instantly with cream. Tho signature of tho brain worker Bpoken of, C. W. Post, Is to, bo soon on each gonulno package of Grape-Nuts. Look In pkgB. for tho famous llttlo book, "Tho Rond to Wollvlllo." "There's a roason." S , , TIRED ALL THE TIME, S Languor, llstlcssncss, dullness of spirits aro often duo to kidney disorders. disor-ders. Pain and weakness in the back, sides and hips, headaches, dizziness, N urinary disorders are suro signs that tho kidneys need Inimedlato nttcntlon. tf-rV Delay is dangerous. Alonzo Adnms, Osceola, Os-ceola, Iowa, says: "My kidneys failed mo. I -suffered awful aw-ful pain and was so weak- I could not-work, not-work, nnd often had to tako to bed. I was dull and exhausted nearly all tho tlmo. I consulted doctors and used medicines, but only Doan's Kidney Pills helped mo. Soon I was porma-nently porma-nently cured." Remember tho name Donri's. For salo by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo., N. Y. MORE PINKBAM CURES Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Camden, N.J. "It is with, pleasure that I add my testimonial to your 1 already long list hoping that it may 1 induce others to avail themselves of I -i this valuablo modi- 1 Jmmt'i cino.LydlaE.Pink- I JHHk, ham's Vegetable, 1 (PIK Compound. I suf- I 'Vtak"39r fereo-from terrlblo I W$& headaches, pain in I jML'1L2' my back nnd right I m?fM aide, was tired and U w!eC?'W- nervous, and so a '"tmPM "weaklcould hardly - H W$W stand. Lydia 13. , ,t AVliv4jfe Wo Compound ro- '-I ) ..$mv 8torcd m to liealth i and made- mo fool liko a now person. ! nnd it shall always havo' my 'praise.'1 ' 1 Mrs. V. P. Valentine, -002 Lincoln 1 Avonuo, Camden, N. J. Gardiner, -Mo. ' I was a great Buf- feror from a fomalo disease. Tho doc- tor said I would havo to go to tho i hospital for an operation, but Lydia E. I Pinkham's Vegctablo Compound com- I plotoly cured mo in three months." I Mns. B. A. Williams, B. JP. T. No. 14 330x89, Gardiner Mo. Uocauso your caso is a difficult ono ' doctors having done you no good do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has cured many cases of fomalo ills, such as inflammation, in-flammation, ulceration, displacements fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodio pains, backache, that bearlng-down ieoling, indigestion, dizziness, nnd nor- J& vous prostration. It costs but a triflo to try it, and tho result is worth mil-lions mil-lions to many suffering women. SEND "nYll015 "'!. CoTkt. I 1 s iH |