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Show H T i - i i ' " " UTAH STATE NEWS President Tnft will probably visit Ball Lako City In September. 8am Tout, of Ogdcn, Is In a precarl-ous precarl-ous condition as the result of collld-Ing collld-Ing with n dog whllo riding his motor- Jacob J. Jncobson, a bricklayer, -was struck by a street car In Salt Lako City, receiving Injuries that may result in his death. Utah has 21,900 furms, covering a combined area of 2,114,364 acres; this is out of an approximate cultivable area of 20,000,000 acres. In the year 1008 Utah had 27,008 acres of land devoted to hortlcul-ture, hortlcul-ture, with a product valued at $1,G93,-000, $1,G93,-000, or an average of JG1.1G per acrct At present there is more than $20,-000,000 $20,-000,000 private capital Invested In Ir-rlgatlou Ir-rlgatlou works in Utah. This docs not take account of the government projects. The depot at Devil's Slide, Weber county, was burglarized one night last week, but little or value taken, tho robbers being unable to force en-B en-B trance to the .safe, B In an effort to save her baby from B doath by fire, Mrs. Peter Affcnburgcr, B of Salt 1-ako City, was 80 badly burned that she may die. The child was fatally bunicd. B For the fiscal year ended June .10 the total business done In the Salt fl Lake laud olllce amounted to $312,000. That Is more than double the amount of-any provlous year. Loretta GIlllspIc, nged 8, 1b dead as, the result of burns sustained on tho' , Fourth of July. She and some other children wcro playing with fireworks, whon her dress caught fire. B " Utah dairy products in 1008 exceed- H od 12,000,000 in value; dairy farm B proporty exceeds $G,(VJ0,00U; annual H butter product, 0,000,000 poundB, and H cheese, 2,000,000 pounds. H Tho valuo of farm, fruit and gar H den crops In Utah In 1908 exceeded 130,000,000; In addition to this, tho H wool clip and range stock Bold real-H real-H ized more than $7,000,000. H During tho past eight years $1,73G,- H 000 has been exponded in tho H stato or Utah for now school build- H Ings; tho filiation of public school H proporty In 1908 was $3,398, 5G5.89. H State Chemist Harms has recently H made a chemical analysts of tho H drinking water furnished by tho city waterworks of Salt Iako City, and H finds tho water absolutely puro. H Two thousand dollars had been H raised by the people of Ogden at tho H close of last wook Tor tho entortaln-H entortaln-H mont of the Grand Army veterans during their visit to Utah next month. H It Is announced that a wireless tele-H tele-H graph station may soon bo estab- llshed in Salt Lako as a link in the H connection between San Francisco and Now York, and part of Uio groat tranB-H tranB-H continental system. H Tho retail merchants of Ogden aro H advocating tho closing of all stores at 0:30 In tho evening, and it 1b probablo an agreement will bo reached male- Ing this tho closing tlmo ror all tho H stores In that city. H Upon tho roport of certain officials H of tho Uarrlmau lines depends H whether or not oil-burning engines -will .o -v-bstltutcd .'for coal burn- era oh the entire Salt Lako division. H of tho Southern Pacific. H Tho two-year-old daughter of Augus- j tus Reeves of Salt Lako swallowed a H nlcklo one day last week, tho coin H lodging In her throat, a surgical opor- H. atlon being necessary to recover tho H coin and Have tho child's llfo. After cleaning a skirt with gaso- .. llno,-Mrs. A. Bong, of Salt Lako City, rittcmptcd to pi-oss it, using an oloc- - trie lrbn. Tho oxploslou that ro- ! Bulled set her clothing on flro, and her arniB wero badly burnud. H Steve Llnowltz was Blabbed through tho heart and ulmost Instantly killed H. uy John Abramovitch, aftor ho had H' Inflicted fatal duggor wounds In tho latter's back, during a light over a gamo of cards at silver City on July G, H. J. A. Palmer, about 45 years of ago, H who had been following the raco H horses around tho circuit, ended his H llfo In a slough west of tho raco H track at Ogden lust week, taking car- H bollo acid. Nothing is known of his H rolutlvcs, H A, lono robber walkod into a saloon H In Ogdcn, picked up a tin box which H contained ?D05 from behind tho bar, H and disappeared. There wore a dozen H'i men in the placo at tho tlmo, but thoy H all thought tho man had u right to ttie box. |