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Show I Keep Cases on the Fly. Look out for tho fly. Some fellow who has been keeping watch of tho buz.er stiys that one fly on tho 20th of March is represented by U00 on tho 24th of April. The MO become 90, 000 by May 28, and by August 8 the number has been squared twico, making the total progoncy amount to tho appaling number of 8,100,000,000. Tho house fly lays eggs, the flesh fly or bluebottle produces living larvae. Supposing a female fe-male to produce fifty young, a i very small estimate and half of Hj those to bo females, a single season would see ono bluebottle H turn into 508,000,000 of flesh- Bj devouring insects. Tho gentlemen who has count cd up offers some consolation. Uo stated that nature is helping lB; some to get rid of the flies. But wo should not trust to naturo in this instance. With that bl"e- H' bottlo and his 508,000,000 child- von and grandchildren aftor us, ' not to mention billions of others, it is time to get busy. This concerns fanners as well HjT as city folks. Tho fly is not Hf , only a diseaco spreader, but a B source of trouble to farm stock mm and farm houses. Drastic measures should be adopted by all farmors to reduce tho fly nuisance to tho minimum. Tn a word swat the fly. National Farmer, Bay City, Mich. |