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Show I BEAUTY BY TAKING MICROBES. ? Patient Gets 125,000,000 Staphylococ cus and Other Germs, Then Waits. London. The beauty parlors of London Lon-don havo a serious nnd scientific rival in the iuoculating department at St. Mary's hoaultnl. Hero complexlpns ro being renovated and revived by Hie latest scientific treatment. Tho injection of a few millions or disease germs Into tho tissues of tho .boulder or flank can transform a (Sluggish, blotchy complexion to a nor-imnt nor-imnt healthy skin, according to a doc-Uor doc-Uor at tho hosultal. Tho best results laro obtained In tho cases of muddy, icallow complexions duo to Blugglsh nc-Itiol nc-Itiol of the skin glands. Tho disease here Is caused by a recently re-cently discovered germ named tho jacno bacillus. In other cases whero 'tho skin Is tender and painful another an-other germ, tho staphylococcus, is msually found ns well. The treat-ixncnt treat-ixncnt consists or Injecting under tho jBkln vncclncs composed of ono or both or these two bacilli, according jto the symptoms or tho case. ' ' Tho ordinary patient Booking treat ment ror a bad complexion will ro-jcelvo ro-jcelvo in his first doso about 125,000,-000 125,000,-000 or staphylococci, with perhaps 'C.000.000 of tho acno bacilli. I Whero tho now treatment has n .great advantngo over tho beauty par- H. lor complexion euro Is In the tlnio. re- quired to accomplish results. A tiny H' patch of akin on tho shoulder or flank- Is washed and sterilized and tho vac-Iclno vac-Iclno injected with a hypodermic syr-jingo. syr-jingo. Tho wholo treatment takes only K,' , knilnuto or two and tho patient has jsnly to go homo and await results, IK' |