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Show Alleged Outrage on Part of Mexicans. I f El Paso, Toxas. Delirious, and Iir 1 1 apparently a serloiiB condition from a " wound In his arm, caused, ho s.tntcd, ) by a bayonet In tho hands of a Mcxl- can guard, Frank Edons of San An- . j tonlo, Toxas, reached El Paso on f y Thursday from Cludnd Juarez, Mex- j Ico, where he claims he was liberated, - j nftcr an Imprisonment of eighteen g hours. ; l Edons says ho was arrested on sus- ' j plclon or being a man named Wilson,. j j wanted ror robbery. Edens broko j ' down the jail door arter being con- fined eighteen hours without food or i wntor, and Bays tho guard beat him '1 with his rlllo and stabbed him with his bayonet. Edens claims the Mcxl- enn ofllclnlB refused to cnll tho Amer- i lean consul during his confinement. j |