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Show : SIMPLE LIFE SAVES STnlKINO PRINTERS FIND TIIF DEATH RATE REDUCED. Wen Out of Employment Learn to Live Quietly nnd to Economize Econo-mize Some Vnlunble Lessons. Chicago. Since Chicago printers, struck lor tho elp.ht-botir tiny the death rate id thu organization Iiiih been ci. In half, according to j. C. Harding, an ollltnr or the union, who also is a mninticr of the board of education. 'I lie union has 11,000 member. Prior to the year ending last April tho annual death rate among printers has been 40. Tho last year, during which moit ol the men have been on strike, or woiliiug eight hours a day Instead of triii' bourn, thero wore only 18 duaths. Outside the biiHlnesH olllccs of the union In the Open Hoard of Trade building Is n spacious loiinglng-rooni. whoro any day a tuoru or mur of striking printers nmy'ho found. They iiHiuilly are smoking and reading. It the Miioke clears away mlllclently to permit of a clear view, It will be found that the "prints" are reading the life or Horaco (Ironley, Herbert Spent er's works, the Typogniphlc.il I'tilo'i Journal, the dnlly papers, or other thoughtful printed things. When Infuinicd of tho low death rate puiong their fellows, most ol these hrrenn-looklng readers advanced some itasoit for the happy condition "It's the simple life wo lead," sabr one ot the strikers, as he glanced up, peering over his glasses and marking his place In the book with one linger "It's n wonder more working printers do not die, with tho stuff they hnve it copy, the close workrooms and tho ncrvo-destroylng nolso of machinery. "Now, tnko mo for an example. For nine mouths I have not worked. Having only ten dollars n week In strike bene-ills, bene-ills, I have land to economize. I eat less, yet I huvo gained flesh. Instead of riding on the street cars I walk. I probably walk ten miles a day. "Of courso, when 1 go to work again, I will have to work eight hours. That last hour at work Is a long oipi, and thu shorter day lengthens a man's lire I am Mtrc." Ho was Interrupted In his philosophy by a groat uproar In the court below. Wheat hud dropped on or gono up n half cent, or some other remarkable event had occurred In the pit of tho minor wheat speculators. When It died Into a sullen murmur tho thoughtful thought-ful Idlet continued. "I wonder what tho death rate Is among those peoplo down thero?" he, iisktl, closing his hook on the finger.' "Thev are In a constant nervous Rtnte. They vorry when thoy aro behind, and aro anxious lor more when thoy nro ahead. Thoy should go on strlkp and taste tho delight of doing nothing, of, being nt peace with ten dollars a week sure and the public library avallnble, walking ten miles a day, eating less and thinking more on nbstract things. Since going on strike I have found from rovernment reports that tho pooplo poo-plo o.' this country produce enough to give every breadwinner $2,500 a ycari If It were not wasted In competition, and ir the distribution were handled as srtciitlflrally as Is production." |