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Show Official Directory. GAnLAND, UTA1' Chairman of Board John T. Int I a. C. Vauausdeln LaaaM M,mL I T. K. Sccrlst mW LT. II. Edwards W Clerk L. Bush Treasurer -TiuJemcn WM Marshal George Uenrle Justice of Peace II 0 Vanausdeln BOARD Or HBALTn M' T.II. Edwards John Lant Dr. J.M. Frannke STATE Governor John C. Cutlet H; Secretary Charles 9 Tlngoy H; Atty. General M A Bredden t Auditor J A Edwards Treasurer James Christiansen Bupt. of Public 1 ait ruction A 0 Nelson Stste Senator 1st District Peter Clegg M Representative F W Flihburn COUNTY OFFICERS Judge First Judicial District W W Maugbo District Attorney Fred J Holton mW Chairman County Commissioners A W Valentine Commissioner, Iowa String M B Hart fl Commissioner, Kelton, mW E II Jones MM County Clerk N J Valentine MM Prosecuting Attorney 0 E Foxley Treasnr-sr 8 N Cole Sheriff Joseph Josephson Recorder Christina Madsen Assessor eUm Jensen Mmm County Superintendent of Schools A E Jensen MM Surveyor, Deweyvllle J N Holdaway MM Tltb & Game Warden Ellas Jensen Jr County Physician Dr. R A Pearse Water Commbsloner N P Andersen COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH. A W Valentine Chairman Dr. R AjPtarae Secretary M I) Hart and K UJones, members of the board. PRECINCT OFTICEIM! Fidiwt: Jaatiaa: Cenatablai MMM Brl-han Aadrev rank Chariee Owl MMM iMt CNPcrtW TlhaSl MMM Junction K Waiter J Miafimen MMM FrcntootoiT Oao. Hooae CkorU Otri MmM Tamo 0 W Panoas B J aimt mmM GkirOmk SBBakar MM Valley, DavU Hlmbl W K Wbltakw MmM flrouaa Creek Fall Piakett JWCuuk MmM alfeielda JACapener JmHuUWU MMm Wlltanl a N Cook (ia J WaJU Mm TkreeMlle TOtouh Alum Wlht MWM ,"" NCJOMW HaaaKeilar OaU fort W W lWr- X Uanaakw ltowrrn O 3 Dtlr D B MarkU UoOiaatsn (tSTwlteh:i J BSaukHac TfaTn 1 U K Hatuir Janes CaU BmrnlTtr Ai. Holfrrcn HI" The 1 HUinc Xia. WciUr Dvrrer TVo1 1 1) Pmrklnx W Hllfor 1 ltewtfaa ThoaUw. JfeqaU Watt BBBW - - . . - ' - DON'T MISS THE Kb. Excursion to Lagoon - JULY 19 TIME TABLE. TRAINS FARE FARE LEAVE ADULTS CHILDREN COLLINSTON, 7:00 A M 11.60... 85 DKVEYVILLK,7:10A M 1.85 80 HONKYVILLE,7;S0A M 1.10 75 IIRIOHAM, 7:40 AM 1.15 60 PERRY, 7:47 A M 1. 15 60 WILLARP, 7:55 A M 1.15 .'. 60 HOT .SPRINGS 8;0OA M 1.05 55 Traiu arrives at Ogdcn, 8:25 a tn; Lagoon, 0:20 a in. Returning, train leaves l.aponn at 0:00 p sis . Abou prices Include entrance to grounds. This Excursion promises to be thu Beat Event of the Season. A Matched Game of Ball will be played during the after noon between the BRIGH AM AND KAY.SVILLE TEAMS. TO THE MERCHANTS and FARMERS OF BOX ELDER COUNTY: Wc arc running at full blast and offer you 38 pounds of GOOD flour and 14 pounds of bran and shorts to the bushel. Our flour and mill Muffs arc EQUAL TO ANYTHING ON THE MARKET. Wc also make Graham Flour, Rye Flour, Cracked Wheat and Gcrmado that cannot ho surpassed In quality. OUR GERMADE 18 THE BEST IN THE STATE. R. GU8TAV MICHAELIB, formerly of tho Honoyvillc Mill, who has had 34 yr ars of experience In the mill business, has chargo of the mill and will give you very courteous treat meut. Our machiurry is all new and of tho best make. Wc ttollelt your patronage and guarantee you flour and mill htuffs of the best quality. Ooce. a Customer Always a Customer. Garland Milling Co., R. GUSTAV MIOHAELIS, Manager. 44..444444mmsV-TSsysK-H-- Spring Creations! , j0jjjjjm MM MIT MMIMIIMIIM Your New Spring SUIT, SKIRT, HAT or Ladies' FUmisla-WA18T FUmisla-WA18T Is awaiting your selection at our store. ni2 Millinprt A complete line of all tho NEW SPRING ,nS ,nrYi creations Juwt in : Dress Goods & Call and oxamluo the goods and get first choice ( NotiOtlSa Prices Reasonable i AMnrio porter m.ocK, jmjfJfJfJ0J0 . I IUI IC. OARLAND, UTAH. w J Firs A J tvn The Gorlaivd Liven FIFE BROSn Proprietors. LWery, Ferd.and Sale Stable Up-to-Date Riggs at all Hears Mom. and Mules Bought and SoU Q Mill Hack MeeU all Train at DewajrUl ' PEARL SALOON OflOIUE WUOM, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. POOL AND BILLIARDB, mt Haar tas Blaelrlo Pkao ui til the lataat Mlactioas. STEPHENS BROS., PROPS. Osrlaad . Utah k Urlgham Fire Dept to Lagoon July 19 Go with them on that date. THE NEW Palace Barber Shop HARRIS & PERKINS, Props. Shaving, Hair-cutting, Smatnpooing and Massaging. Sanitary Rules Strictly Observed. Hamand Rath and Massage Parlors In connection. Agents for Western Steam Laundry. Next to Club Saloon Garland, Utah Q. .S L. TIME TABLE Paaicngrr No. 32 Paaacnacr No. 31 -SOUTH BOUND NOBTII BOUND- Lv Malad 7:15 am Lv Drlsham 6:10 p m Lv Garland 8:10 am Lv Corlnn 8:20pm Lv Trcmont 8:15 am Lv Trcmont 6:48 pm Lv Corinne 90 am Lv Carland 6:66 p m Ar Driaham 9:40 am Ar Malad 8:30 p m Connccta with Cache Connect with Cache Valley train No. 12 for Valley train No It from Ogdcn and Salt Lake. Oaden and Salt Lake. MIXED TRAIN. North Bound. Leaves Ogden 8:20 a. m. " Urigham 9:55 a. m. " Corinne 10:10 a. m. " Trcmont.. ..10:52 a. m " Garland . . . . 11:20 a. m. Arrives at Malad 1 :oo p. m. South Bound. Leaves Malad 1 :2o p. m. " Garlrnd 3:25 p.m. Tremont 3 .'40 p. m 11 Corinne (:30 p.m. " Briham 4:55 p.m. Arrives at Ogdcn 6:25 p. m F. L. Scokihld, Local Agent Garland Utah f-KSffTTftT-ff-fT-f-ft-f4-f-fT-T LOCAL MAILS. MAILS ARRIVU. From South 1 1 .35 a. m. MAILS CLOSK Going South 3:10 p.m. STAR ROUTE. -Mails arrive from Penrose and way at 10:30 a. m. Muils leave tor Penrose and vv.iy at it. 50 a. m, Office hours from 8 a. m. to 0-p. m. Eva C. Wilcox, Postmaster, f T f 4.4 i 4. 44 Hawks Layton Contractors & Builders Estimates and Material furnished for all kinds of buildings. Phono No. 8x Garland, Utah H4-TT4TT-fTTTVTTTT-H-T E. V. Schneider, General Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing a Specialty Agent for Washing Machine Motors and Electric Flat-Irons. Garland, - Utah It silence is golden, that ma account for the scarcity of female millionaires. The sign of the Big Clock is where you find J.W. Lewis, Practical Watch-maker and general gen-eral repairer. Boothe Block-Garland Block-Garland Utah. When a prima donna gets a note too high, she drops her voice. That may account for many cracked voices we hear. Modest Claims Often Cany the Most Conviction. When Maxim, the famous gun invent, or, placed his gun before a committe of Judges, he stated its carrying power to be much below what ho felt sure the gun would accomplish. Tho result of tho trial waa therefore a great surprise instead in-stead of disappointment, It Is tho same with the manufacturers of Chamber-lain'a Chamber-lain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. They do not publicly bout of all this remedy will accomplish, but prefer to let the uiera make the btatcments. What they do claim, U that it will post, lively euro Diarrhoea, dysentery, pains in tho ttoinach and bowels and has never been known to fail. For tale by Rtler Bros, Drug Co. Don't Be Backward. Do not hesitate to ask for a free samplo of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Wo arc glad to give them to anyone who is troubled with biliousness, constipation or any disorder of the stomach. stom-ach. Many have been permanently cured by their use. Rltcr Bros. Drug Co. Bared Ula Comrade's Life. fl "Whilo returning from tho Grand Ar- H my Encampment at Washington City, a comrado from Elgin, 111., was taken with cholera morbus and was in a critical ron-dition,"aaya ron-dition,"aaya Mr.J.E, Houghland, of Eldon, Iowa. "I gave him Chamber- 1 Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- A edy and believe saved his life. I havo been engaged for ten years in immigra-tion immigra-tion work and conducted many parties to tho south and west. I always carry this remedy, and have used it successfully on many occasions." Sold by Rlter Bros. Drug Co. A, R, SMITH & CO, I Dealer H Fresh and Cured Meats and Green Groceries, Fish and Game in Season. Garland Utahi hC Bank of Garland I (INCORPORATED.) H C DnUCCTWMI HH WWlHter.preiM.nl. J W W RtUr, Thomu R fjut H Thomas R Cutler, vic-prest, fle Hraney. Geo T Odell.; John R Cutler, Horace O Whit C.J. Campbell, cashier. 9 ney, W D Lewis, Mosiah Eraai I and Walter P Eaton. Transacts general banking business. Exchange drawn on tho principal cities of the United States and Europe. Open a savings account with lis in your ysuth and provide (or old age. Safety dsposit boxes for rent. The fiorlond flub, I mm IBBB1,IIBBBB mmm . ( Hph Coombs, Manager. j Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars t Billiard and Pool Room in Coancction, GarTanr) Utah. H Dewey, I a-wtll make the season of 1906 at th LM 'LLLLLLWk Garland Livery Bam I 'vBKH GARLAND, UTA H (gflHBMft Weight FourVew, PHBsaisVHP 1700 lbs. Garland Livestock I and Horse Co. I 11 W. 1. Tat Ungt. 1 a H Job Printing I If kTatha beai equipped JOB OFFOl In Weater a Box Elder tad eta do 30 H PRINTING that equals aayth!n in tke BUte of Utah H Globe Office I |