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Show IW'c arc a restless people. Kvcry thin nomnn uanls to lie fat. Kvcry fnt woman wom-an wants to grow tall. Ku-ry town man long for the time when lie can retire to the country, anil every farmer hopes to some Hay quit work and move to town, where ho can take life easy. Country now.papcr men would like to try their ' hands on a city dally. The fellows mi the. dig dailies dream of a time when they hate a paper af their own in h conn try town. In youth wc lonjf for maturity, maturi-ty, In old age wc. yearn for the happy day of childhood, There U no excuse for It other than that we all seem to he huilt that way. The grass Mcms Just a little greener anil thriftier most any direction direc-tion from the place w occupy rl)ht now. font? ntnicnt l as near happinc ai we can get in this world. Kx. |