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Show IU ' A Habit t be Encouraged. & The mother who has acquired tho hab. J It of keeping on hand a bottlo of Cham , , bcrlaln's Cough Remedy, saves herself a T great amount of uneasiness and Kuxlcty. V Coughs, colds, and croup, to which chll. f f". dren aro suscoptiblo, aro quickly cured ; by Its use. It counteracts nny tendency !'. of a cold to result In pneumonia, and If given 6oon as tho llrst symptoms of croup i ' appoar, it will prevent tho attack. This 1 remedy contains nothing Injurious nnd j mothers glvo It to Httlo ones with a reel- J - loE of perfect security. Sold by Rltcr Bros Drug Co. 1 WINTER ' MEDICINES 1 Thoro aro certain Hues and remedies thtt aro In j special demand at particular partic-ular seasons. This store , Is always prepared to sup. 1 ' ' ply them. Wo strivo to meet every need of tho ' community and to nntlcl. I ,', Jj Pto needs before they I ' ' aro expressed. I f ... Whatever drugs, medl- r' i' clnes or sundries you t ' may require this season M ' wo can supply them. Wo 7',,' can give assurnuco that the quality will bo tho : highest and tho price the lowest possible. Get the habit of coming to us' for Drug Store Goods. It is a habit that pays. Rlter Bros. Druo Go. Logan and Garland, Utah, i jFranklin, Preston and Monlpelier, Idaho. ' id " SUMMONS. IN THE JUSTICE'S COUItT SUNSET I'RE-CINCT. I'RE-CINCT. COUNTY OF BOX ELDER, STATE OF UTAH. Before H. a Vanauedeln, Jmtleo of the Peace. s F. Foulger. J. B, Foulger. II. B. Foulger. D. B. Foulger and B. Smith. Co-partners doing bmlneaa as The Fouloer Company, PUIntlffs. va. GEOItGE WAOEIt. Defendant The Stole of Utah to Dcfcndanti You are hereby aummoned to appear before the above entilNxl Court within ten daya ttfUr thla aervlce upon you If aerrod within the County In which thla action Ii brought, otherwiae within twenty daya after thla aer-!!. aer-!!. and defend the above entitled action; brought aaralwt you to recover the aum of Ill.CO, for gooda. w.rca and merchandise. Hold and delivered to you nt your ipocbl JQ. atanco and request, u more fully appnam ty the the complaint on file In the above Court, to which you are hereby referred. And In case of your falluro to do so, Judg-ment Judg-ment will bo rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint. Given under my hand this J6th day of January. Janu-ary. AWT. U. C VANAUSDELN. fob2"23 ' Justlco of Um rcace. Opening Ball Of Season. The Kirkham Orchestra of this city will give a Grand Opening Open-ing Ball at the Elwood Hall next Monday evening, Feb'y 4th Everybody cordially invited to attend. Good lloor, good music Corrected. "Charley, dear," said young Mrs Torklns, "you said those losing ball players lloldod badly." "That's what I said." "This sporting talk Is demoralizing your grammar. You mean thoy felt badly." Tho Best Fhyslc. Wlrsn yon want a physlu that is mild nnd gentle, easy to take and pleasant In effect, tnko Chamberlain 'a Stomach and Mvcr Tablets. Price 25 cents. Every box warranted. Get a frcn snmplo nt Hlter Bros. Drug Storo and try them. Wines nnd Liquors for .Medicinal pur poses at Rlter Bros Drug Store. JO-tf Sayl Ifthoprlcoof lumber Is high, how can tho Wilson Lumber Company sell tbreo doz. cloths pins for five cents? You have the best of mo, but they are doing It "Just tho same. 2t Call on Joseph N. Stohl of Brlgham City for your farm loans. Ho has the money and will treat you right. tf FOUND-Udte's fur. Call nnd pay for this notice and get tho snmo nt this olllco. , j To the Commercial Trade and the Public in General. , I wish to announce that my houso Is open again to tho trade and I am prepared prepar-ed to treat my customers s they should bo treated. Trusting I will see tho faces of all my old friends again and gain tho friendship of ninny new ones, I am yours for business, S. M. Clayton, Proprietor of.tho Clayton House, Gar-land, Gar-land, Utah. Rexburg is "up-against-it" at the present time for a mayor of the town. The man who was elected to the portion is now in Union, Oregon. The man who tdok his place is now in Gridley, California, and the present pres-ent mayor pro tern is tn Boise. The absense of the mayor proper places the city without a marshal as a new one can't be appointed during the absence of the mayor. What shall we do to be "saved." Rexburg Standard. When mnklng farm loans, call on Joseph N. Stohl of Urlgham City; ho has money to satisfy all. tf Ono High Grndo Sewing Machine very cheap at tho Hardwaro Storo, Tremonton. Tre-monton. 2t iffeart Strength ' ,"Jlmf!nJ,h' of.neeirt WcaknPM. nwtini Nerrs Itlvelyjiotone woaktioartlna hundred Is.tnlt self, actually diWared. It ! almort always a hidden tiny llttlo nerve that roally It all at i"il" Th obscure nerve-the Ctardlac. or Heart Nervi -Imrly notxti. and roust havo. more power, moi fjahl'ljr. jmpro rontrolllmr. more auvernlr to lall. and thn stomach und kidneys also hay, thjjo satoo controlllnr nerrrs. ' sw.cM' Wtolns why. as 0 medicine. Jli Bhoop Koktoratlve has In the post dona so mu or weok and alllnjr Hearts. Dr. Bhoon (lrt fcuj. fn,2f?,uI?Si'?" ,hJPlnhil. rlnlwt!ngSun, Ins heart distress. Pr. Snoop's lu.tom tlve-U, popular prescrlptlon-ls nlone directed to tin weak and veast'h,' nerve renfa-rs. u Imllrt . ICslrengtbonsHt uSerj n-al. auiulno heart lie p. -i.Ku.V0,"u.1" T tron Henrtj. strong l pUin. 6truntth(.n, tlioeo jiexvua reuitU I them as needed, with Dr. Shoop Restorative. (ALL DEALERS) itching- Plica. If you nro acipialnted with any one who Is troubled with this distressing all-ment, all-ment, you can do htm 110 greater favor than to tell him to try Chamberlain's Salve. It gives Instant relief. , Thl salvo also cures soro nipples, tetter and salt rheum. Prlco 25 cents. Forsnlobv Hiter Uros. Drug Co. Piles get quick. relief from Dr. Shnop's Mnplc Ointment. Hemember It's mmlo alono for Piles and It works with cer taiuty and satisfaction. Itching, painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like maglo by Its use. Try it and seel Sold by all dealers. n,i(j This olllco has been made a collection ngency for tho medical work entitled MEDICOI.OGV. Those who have con- tiactcd for tho book shnnlil turtle n tlmlt I egular payments hero and get their ru coipts Sale of Animals for Damages. Statoof Utah, ) Coiuity 0 Do Kldcr. f In tho Sunset precinct of said county. I havo lu my possession tho following described cstrny animal which, If not claimed nnd tnken away, will bo sold at public miction to the highest cash bidder at my rcsldenco lu said precinct on S.at-Hrday S.at-Hrday tho Oth day of Feb'y, 1007, at tho hour of 2 p. m. DKSCUIITIO.V OK ANIMAL. One red yearling heifer, no brands vl.lblo, crop off right ear. Said animal Is hold by mo to securo payment of 50 cts damages dono by said animal upon the premises of A I Grovcr 0.1 the 28th day of January , 1007. T, E. SpcmsT, Pouudkccpcr for Suusct Precinct Genuine I Bargains! I We offer the followig DISCOUNTS on the following lints I in order to make room for our SPRING GOODS. & I I Per Cent I 9 I off I All of our MEN'S SHIRTS. . 6 6 I All of our MEN'S HATS . . I All of our Goods at Prices that Defy Competition. I GLOVER, ROSE & CO. I mmmf tsrWhere the Teams Stop.-a MWM H When in Need of a GoorfV I flange, I HOT BliflST I OR I Oak Heater I Oil! On I Stohl Bros. Farn. Co, I Uab THE HRST NATIONAL BANK ' 1 OF BRIGHAM CITY I Does Stricty a Banking Business. I - Oun Motto: LIHERALITY - - I COURTESY I STABILITY M, J ACCURACY GROWTH IS STEADY AND PERMANENT. ACCOUNTS 'UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISON. DIRECTORS. Lbrenzo N . Stohl, Lucius A. Snow, John L. Edwards. James Nelson, Peter' M. Hansen, Slverln N Lee Alma Nelson, John D. Peters, Olecn N. Stohl. Always Asking For Business nrlgham City, Utnh Yog Rm Coming! JO TREMONTON I Tuesday, reb'y 5th, 1 907, I a0d thC ZH?,? LUffEjLQ; tend to you, one and I all, an invitation to visit their store and inspect their stock. I They have the most Beautiful Calender of the seasond (1907) I and something for every little Girl or Boy that comes into the store I during the day. I They want you to call and see their stock of Hardware, China 'jl j Ware, Enameled Ware, Cutlery, Etc. The handsomest and Best Steel Range at any price. They want you to compare their , prices and quality of goods with others and are willing that you act jJj as both Judge and Jury. Fnl II They positively have the best and most complete line of China jl Ware to be found in the County. IJ They sell the Lamp thnt gives the most light and oil to bum. I Wilson Lumber Co. I TREMONTON UTA . ft 'SSBBBBsH . .. W IM |