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Show mlnlns Economy, Whon a nan buys an expennlvo hat nnd wears It out, that In the end of tho story. A woman's hat. thoush, Is a serial which runs Indefinitely Tho protty plumea which graced last year's creation aa whtt?, appear m this season's of another huo and will run tho gamut of colors until thoy reach black. Tho flowors, tho ribbons, tho laces, tho volvot, even tho gossamer gossa-mer shapes, do sorvlco again under expert mnnlpulntlon. Ta!--, too. thoso monster slcovcs over which niero mon guffawed so loudly. Whr.n tho fall for thom wns over tholr fair wearers Just took this surplus material am! mado extra waists of It. This Is not all. With on art which savors of the mysterious, thoy took tv-iso flowing sleeves of tho fashion of a yoar or so ago, and, turning them unMdo down, mado them Into tho prevailing niodo. --Clovoland Plain Dealer. |