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Show ONE OF WEBSTER'S HON MOTS. Containing a Meaning More or Less Effectually Concealed. During mlddlo life Daniel Webster was fond of revisiting tho trout brooks ho had flshpd aa a boy, and was often accompanied by his "hired mnn," who was a native of tho samo vlllago nnd had boon a companion and schoolmate. On one of those excursions tho statesman related the story of a very large trout ho had captured when a boy from the brook In w,hlch thoy wore thon fishing. Tho "hired man" responded with a story of a trout he had caught In that samo brook, and which, of courso, was many ouncos henvler than that of tho "great expounder." ex-pounder." Mr. Webster cyod his companion In s'lenco for n moment, and then exclaimed, ex-claimed, with pmpliabis: "Jerry, you aro- an nm-uhlb-Ioua animal; you lie In tho water nnd you Ho out of It" |