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Show aMMBMWisMWsMMWsWWsMM NORTHWEST NOTES J, M. Murphy, a brakeman, was killed In a collision of a freight train with a work train at Hannn, Wyo. Several other members of tho trnln crew wero Injured. The reported strike or gold In Churchill county nlmost depopulated Carson, Nevada, whllo Virginia City nnd other towns sent largo crowds of prospector to tho new fields. George V. Fogg, a prominent nttor-ncy nttor-ncy of Tncoma for twelve years, formerly for-merly of Qulncy, 111., Is dead, aged CU years. Ho wns a major In tho civil war and a member of tho Loyal Lo-glon. Lo-glon. D. C. Richardson hns been placed tinder arrest at Glcntllve, Mont., upon suspicion of being J. L. Richardson of Grnnd Rnplds, Mich., who absconded with tho funds of tho Brotherhood ol Locomotive Firemen of Grnnd Rapids To take effect May 1, tho American Smelting nnd Refining company will extend tho eight-hour day to nil employes em-ployes In its flvo Colorado plants who como In contact with furnnco opera lions. This will affect about 2,500 mon Walter Berlenu, who killed Shcrlft Thomas Logan nt Manhattan, Nevada, has been lodged In Jail at Tonopnh Tho coroner's Jury at Manhattnn found Hint Logan enmo to his death by pistol shots fired by Borlcau with crimlnnl intent. Peter Johnson nnd Hnrry Hnrdwlck wero killed by the falling of n stone nrch bridge In course of construction nt Mnultoti, Colo. Tho nccldent ro suited from the plnclng of weight upon cement nhutments before tho cement hnd sufficiently hardened. The nntlonnl board of ndmlnlstrn Hon of tho Daughters of tho American Revolution havo decided that Mrs. Wnllnco McCrackcn wns legally elected state regent of Molilalia and Mrs. Wll lard Harvey Weed was legally elected a state vice-regent from that state. A special from llwnco, Wtish., says that Colonel Do Long nnd John Wrny wero drowned In tho surf nt Long Bench. Tho men In company with seven others went out In a boat through tho surf to draw n seine. Whllo returning to shoro tho boat capsized. cap-sized. Tho supreme court of Montana, In a decision written by Chief Justlco Brantly, set nshlo tho order of Judge Donlln, or Butte, adjudging Peter Breen, former county attorney of Sliver Sli-ver Bow county, in contempt of court and fining him $500 for questioning tho manner in which tho trial Jury wns drawn. Tho Oriental Limited, on tho Great Northern, traveling nt a speed of fifty miles nn hour, was wrecked botween Adralu and Ephruta, Wash. .Five cars went off tho trnck, Including the mall car. Mall Clerks Joseph Thompson nnd D. E. Whlttler, both of Seattle, were Injured about tho head and shoulders. Tho Commcrclnl club of Portland, whoso headquarters In tho Chamber of Commerco building wero devastated by flro recently, hns decided to eroct a building of Its own In tho heart of tho business section, at a cost of $250,000. ThT) proposed building will bo of six stories, three of which will bo occupied by tho club. Virgil Wilson of Mnlhour, Ore., lost his llfo In tho-Snako rlvor nonr Onta-rlo Onta-rlo whllo attempting to save tho life of his dog. Wilson nnd tho dog were crossing a brldgo when n train came along: Whether ho lost his footing nnd fell into tho river or wns Btrucl; by tho trnln Is not known, ns his body has not been recovered. Judgo Henry Smith of Helena sentenced sen-tenced Cnmllo Rcmoy, tho French-Canadian French-Canadian convicted of manslaughter It killing Wnsson Oliver Inst September, ns tho two" wero traveling overland v fow miles north of Helena, to ten yean In tho statu prison, tho maximum pun Ishmont. Substantia Improvements on the mnln lino or tho Southern Pacific in Oregon, consisting or new nnd heavier rails, new steel bridges and new nnd heavy engines, will result in tho time betweon Portland and San Frnnclscc holng materially reduced tluvlni tlu coming fall. A mnn about 25 years old, smooth faco and dark hair,. but with no other marks tor Identification, was struck by a Northern Pacific englno In tho yards at Bozcmnn, Mont. On his person wcro found twenty-flvo pounds of dj nnmlte, fuso, cups, etc.-, two revolvers and a black mask. At the instance of tho department ol tho Interior, tho wnr- department has taken steps to sond whntover military force may bo necessary to protect tho Indnn agent, Major C. C. Edwards, on tho Umatilla agency, In Oregon, frqni tho Indians, who havo threatened to do him bodily harm. Bororo Judgo W. H. Hunt, In thq 'federal district court, nt Portland, a VUI of exceptions was filed In the case of 'Congressman J. N. Williamson of Orfcgon, who wna convicted sovera months ugo of subordination ot perjury perju-ry In connection with tho frauds of government IuiuIb In Oregon, Ono hundred Korcnns arrived In Missoula last week to work on the Northern Pacific railroad. Owing to tho extonslvo railroad building In tho west, tho rullwny companies havo been experiencing a labor famine. Tho employment em-ployment ot Korean-) will be undertaken under-taken as an experiment hero, |