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Show I CUT WITTE D91SJ10V0 Additional Cause for Rejoicing Rejoic-ing in Russia During the Easter Festival. Retirement of Minister of Interior Dun novo From Office la Announced, and Count Wltte Seems to Have at Last Secured Up per Hand of His Rival. St. Petersburg. The Easter festival, tho anniversary of tho Jewish massa-era massa-era nt Kishinev nnil other places, Imp plly wns not Htulnod this year by anti-Jewish anti-Jewish excesses. Tho measures takon by tho central government and tlx orders sent to tho provincial nuthorl tics to take every precaution, with tlx added warning that thoy would bo held personally responsible for outbreaks apparently wcro effective, though tlx danger will not bo over until tho East er holidays aro passed. Tho high church feast was eclebrat cd In tho usual fashion with much eating and drinking and tho oxchnng of tho kiss of peace. Somo slackening In tho old religious fervor was notlco able, especially In St. Petersburg. Till Is attributed to tho revolutionary propaganda, pro-paganda, which, In striking at the roots of tho state, touched also blind devotion to thu church. Tho streets of tho capital' have been allvo with the cabs of government officials and clerks making their congratulatory calls on their superiors. Minister of tho Interior Durnovo however, published a notlco to his sub ordlnatcs, stating that It was not noo essary for them to call on him, anil In tho midst of general surprise his ro tlrcment from ofllco was announced but this declination of congratulation! Is regarded ns another Intimation that his relinquishment of ollloo la n mattei of a fow days. Count Wltto for tlx moment seems to havo downed his rl val, tho elections having strengthened his position greatly and enabled hlit to lay tho blamo for repression on M Durnovo. |