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Show Thursday, November 2, 2006 Page 9 The Gunnison Valley Gazette Elementary update that help our students be minutes. Third Grade: (1) proficient, avid readers. We read and write numbers up group our students in read- to ten thousand; (2) correcting groups that target their ly solve three-digit addition Our goal at Gunnison strengths and weakness- problems and two-digit subElementary is to provide a es. The children are able traction problems; and, (3) safe, friendly place for chil- to move between groups if correctly answer all of the dren to learn. We strive to they need additional prac- multiplication facts in five make sure that all of the tice with certain skills or if minutes. Fourth Grade: (1) students achieve their full they need more challenging correctly answer 50 mixed potential. We want every material. We also provide basic addition, subtraction, child to progress from one the students with the op- and multiplication probgrade to another with all the portunity to improve their lems in three minutes; (2) skills necessary to be suc- comprehension skills using recognize the ten basic geocessful, never falling behind a computer program called metric shapes; and, (3) corAccelerated Reading. Since rectly solve equations and grade level expectations. This is the third year we started using the Ac- write equations from word that we have been able to celerated Reading program problems. Fifth Grade: (1) offer the option of a full day three years ago, the stu- correctly answer 50 mixed of kindergarten to some of dents check out ten times basic addition, subtraction, our students. In June prior more books than they used multiplication, and division problems in three minutes; to entering kindergarten, to from our school library. we screen the incoming kinResearchers have prov- (2) identify tenths, hundergarten children to iden- en that "accurate and au- dredths, and thousandths tify those that may have tomatic production of the place value; and, (3) use some risk of falling behind basic math facts is a ma- common denominators to their peers. During their jor objective of elementary compare, add, subtract, kindergarten year, these mathematics education." and multiply fractions. As students receive the regular This year we are starting students master each of classroom instruction and the Digit Club. Students the targets, we are workan extra afternoon session earn membership in the ing with businesses in the that presents the basics of club by mastering basic community to provide them kindergarten using a large math facts. We have iden- with special recognition and Parents and variety of instructional tified three major math incentives. teachers are making the methods. facts targets for each grade mastery of math facts a part The results of the full level. Kindergarten: (1) of daily study at home along day kindergarten have been count up to twenty objects, very positive. The children understanding one to one with the traditional practice are going into first grade correspondence; (2) count of reading twenty minutes having mastered the skills from zero to a hundred; and, each night. essential for a successful (3) recognize and write the We appreciate and are first grade year. When the numbers from 0 to 20. First proud of our paraeducators. children that were in the Grade: (1) write all of the Each class has at least one full day program the pre- numbers from 0 to 100 in highly qualified paraeducavious year took the Utah five minutes; (2) recognize tor who provides extra help State Core Curriculum first ones and tens place value; and encouragement. It was grade test last spring, all and, (3) correctly answer all recently announced that but one of the full day kin- of the facts from 0 + 0 to 6 Lori Jensen was selected to dergarten students earned a + 6 and the matching sub- receive a Utah Paraeducapassing score. That student traction facts from 12 - 6 to tor of the Year Award at the missed the passing score by 0 - 0 in 2 minutes. Second annual Paraeducator Conone question. We are also Grade: (1) write three-digit ference in Ogden next week. seeing that the full day stu- numbers from pictures of Aria Otten was also selected dents are maintaining their base ten blocks; (2) identify as an award finalist. Lori progress during summer halves, thirds, and fourths; works in fourth grade with vacation as they move from and, (3) correctly answer all Mrs. RaNee Jensen and of the 55 basic addition and Aria works in second grade one grade level to another. We do a number of things subtraction facts in three with Mrs. Arleen Jensen. by PRINCIPAL GRANT HANSEN Not just for kids... The faculty and staff at Gunnison Valley Middle School got into the Halloween spirit on Tuesday. Top to bottom is Mrs. Karen Hansen, Mr. Darren Hill and Mrs. Diane Dyreng. i\y'^'£\'*M\(&: > heart (hart) n 1: dedicated, loyal 2: caring In 1992, even before I took my seat Orrin was helping me, giving sound advice and making influential calls to help speed and smooth my way. L ?,<*&&$ ROBERT BENNETT ;: U.S. Senator %• avkw-i' He appears to be so straight-laced and so serious, but he's a very kind, gentle and generous man. .Y.V.» ^ ^ ^ \ _ - / • - • • - • . ' # • • ; fc'- VOTE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH HATCH Paid for and authorized by Match Ucclion Commiiirc. |