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Show Page 7 AUGUST 31,2006 T H E GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO WATER USERS The State Engineer received the following Application(s) in Garfield County (Locations in SLB&M). For more information or to receive a copy of filings, visit httrjT/waiejTightSAitaJigoy or call 1-866-882-4426. Persons objecting to an application must file a CLEARLY READABLE protest stating FILING NUMBER, REASONS FOR OBJECTION, PROTESTANTS' NAME AND RETURN ADDRESS, and any request for a hearing. Protest must be filed with the State Engineer, Box 146300, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300 on or before SEPTEMBER 27, 2006. These are informal proceedings as per Rule R6556-2 of the Division of Water Rights. (The Period of Use is generally year-round except irrigation which is generallyfrom Apr 1 to Oct 31 each year.) NEW APPLICATION(S) 97-2297 (A76549): Allysia Angus propose(s) using 1.73 ac-ft. from groundwater (5 miles west of Escalante) for IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING; DOMESTIC. CHANGE APPLICATION(S) 6M364(a31843): Rollin E. & Joan D. Magnuson, Sharon K. Magnuson propose(s) using 0.72 cfs. from the Coyote Creek (2 miles south of Antimony) for IRRIGATION. EXTENSION(S) 61-2441(a24976): Gregory J. and Shauna M. Walch is/are filing an extension for 0.5 ac-ft. from groundwater (6.25 miles WSW of Hatch) for STOCKWATERING; DOMESTIC. Jerry D. Olds, RE, STATE ENGINEER -Published in The Garfield County Insider on AUGUST31 & SEPTEMBER 7, 2006 ALL ABOARD! Our Brace Caboose is now making life easierfor our patients in outlying communities: Beaver, Bicknell, Circleville, Delta, Ephraim, Rllmore, Gunnison, Manti, Milfond, Junction, Monroe and Salina. On days we're in the mobile office, our office phone is forwarded to us, so we can still be reached. 1-888-BRACEME 150 E 200 N» Richfield, UT PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ' Please take notice that the Garfield The Utah School and Institutional County Commission has scheduled a Trust Lands Administration has received public hearing on Monday, September an application to lease the surface of 11, 2006, at 11:15 a.m. in the Garfield the following described acreage: County Commission Chambers, located GARFIELD COUNTY at 55 South Main Street, Panguitch, TOWNSHIP 34, Utah, to receive public comment regardRANCxE 2 WEST SLB&M ing the following proposed application by SECTION 22: SE4SE Gene and Evelyn Teegarden for a zone SECTION 23: W2 change: SECTION 27: E2E2 Containing 520.00 acres, BEGINNING ATTHES 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 13, T37S, R6W, SLB & more or less M AND RUNNING THENCE S 89 Any individual wishing to sub45*40" W ALONG THE SECTION mit a competing application to purchase, LINE 125.7 FEET; THENCE N 00 lease, and/or exchange for this property, 03' 19"E 144.35 FEET; THENCE N 26 a portion thereof, or a parcel including 36' 56"E 281.13 FEET; THENCE N 37 any of the above-described acreage, 13' 11 "E 664.54 FEET; THENCE S 63 should also file an application and the 52' 14" E 167.76 FEET TO THE WEST appropriate application fee(s). RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF HIGHThe Trust Lands Administration WAY 89; THENCE SOUTHWEST- will accept competing applications durERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF- ing the following period of time: WAY LINE 891.00 FEET ALONG THE From 8:00 A.M. ARC OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE FRIDAY, August 18, 2006 TO THE LEFT (CHORD BEARS S Until 5:00 P.M. 16 45' 12"W 887.65 FEET) THROUGH MONDAY, September 18, 2006 A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 17 13*19" TRUST LANDS ADMINISTRATION AND RADIUS OF 2954.28 FEET TO 130 N. MAIN, RICHFIELD, UT THE SOUTH LINE SECTION 13; 84701(801)896-6494 THENCE DEPARTING SAID Reference No.: SULA 1490 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND RUNThe Trust Lands Administration reNING S 89 48'12"W ALONG THE serves the right to reject any applicaSECTION LINE 297.09 FEET TO tion or subsequent bids. THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS 6.99 ACRES. NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE Garfield County School District is proposing to increase its property tax revenue. As a result of the proposed increase, the tax on an $95,000.00 primary residence will be $446.78, and the tax on a business or secondary residence having the same value in the taxing entity will be $812.34. Without the proposed increase the tax on a $95,000.00 primary residence would be $381.73, and the tax on a business or secondary residence having the same value in the taxing entity would be $694.07. The 2006 proposed tax rate is .008551. Without the proposed increase, the rate would be .007306. This would be an increase of 17%, which is $65.05 per year ($5.42 per month) on a $95,000.00 primary residence or $118.27 per year on a business or secondary residence having the same value in the taxing entity. With NEW GROWTH, this property tax increase, and other factors, the Garfield County School District will increase its property tax revenue from $2,608,868.00 collected last year to $3,109,199.00 collected this year which is a revenue increase of 19%. All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase to be held on Thursday, August 24th at 6:00 p.m. at Boulder Elementary School, Boulder, Utah. PUBLIC NOTICE DISTRICT COURT, STATE OF UTAH, GARFIELD COUNTY 55 South Main Street, Panguitch, Utah 84759, Telephone: (435) 6761104; Facsimile: (435) 676-8239 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT A. PATTERSON, deceased, NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Case No. 063700007, Assigned Judge: Wallace A, Lee, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LOUISE PATTERSON, was appointed as Personal Representative of the estate of ROBERT A. PATTERSON, and creditors of the estate are given notice to present their claims to BARRY L. HUN TINGTON, attorney for the estate, P.O. Box 388,55 South Main Street, Panguitch, Utah 84759, within 3 months after the first publication of this notice or be forever barred. DATED this 28lh day of August, 2006. A multi-county public bearing will be held to discuss changing the present public analog television system to a digital format. The meeting will be held at the Richfield City Office, 75 East Center, on September 5, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. Real Estate for Sale Panguitch City is selling a 99' xl 15.5' piece of property located at 201 West 200 South in Panguitch Utah. This property has some restrictions and you should contact Allen K. Henrie at the city office-(435-6768585) before bidding on the property. Property is zoned residential and persons interested in this property may make a sealed bid and deliver it to the city office at PO Box 75, 25 South 200 East, Panguitch Utah 84759 by September 26,2006 at 5:00 p.m. Minimum bid is $15,000.00 US dollars. Bids will be opened at a regularly scheduled city council meeting on September 26,2006. |