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Show AUGUST 10,2006 THE GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER Page 6 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE I r. u t. i :| LEVY AND NOTICEOF SHERIFF'S SALE REAL PROPERTY IN THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT Please take notice that the Garfield County Commission has scheduled a public IN AND FOR GARFIELD COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH hearing on Monday, August 14, 2006, at 0 45 and 2:00 p.m. in the Garfield County TOD'S TRAVEL CENTER, INC. and JOHN P. TROUT,Plaintiff, Commission Chambers, located at 55 South Main Street, Panguitch, Utah, to receive v. JENKINS OIL COMPANY, INC.JDefendant. public comment regarding the following: Sheriff's Sale, Case No. 970600006 • Judge David L. Mower 1. Zone Change To be sold at Sheriff's Sale at the County Courthouse, 55 South Main Street, Parcel 1: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHPanguitch, Utah, west entrance, County of Garfield, State of Utah, on the 25 day of EAST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 36, SOUTH, RANGE 5 WEST, August 2006 , at 12 o'clock of said day, all right, title and interest of said Tod's SALT LAKE BASE AND MERIDIAN LYING SOUTH OF THE EXISTING HATCH Travel Center, Inc. and John P. Trout, in and to that certain piece or parcel of real TOWN BOUNDARY AND EAST OF THE US HIGHWAY 89 RIGHT-OF-WAY property situated in Garfield County, State of Utah, described as follows to-wit: Parcel 2: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THE SOUTHParcel Number 14-0064-0395: WEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE Beginning 208.50 feet East of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 34 South, Range 5 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian and running thence East 490.50 feet; NORTHEAST QUARTER AND THOSE PORTIONS OF THE NORTHEAST QUARthence North 499.00 feet; thence West 99.00 feet; thence North 61.00 feet; thence TER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER AND THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF West 600.00 feet; thence South 351.00 feet; thence East 208.50 feet; thence South THE NORTHEAST QUARTER AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE 209.00 feet to the point of beginning. Cont. 7.85 AC M/L SOUTHEAST QUARTER LYING EAST OF THE US HIGHWAY 89 AND OLD US Parcel Number 07-0063-0912: HIGHWAY 89 RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH; RANGE Beginning at a point on the n'ly R/W line of US Hwy 89 said point being East 177.50 5 WEST, SALT LAKE BSE AND MERIDIAN. feet from the southeast comer of Block 2 Plat B Panguitch Town Survey and runParcel 3: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTH- ning thence North 11.50 feet; thence East 15.00 feet; thence South 115.50 feet; WEST QUARTER OF SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 5 WEST, thence West 15.00 feet to the point of beginning. Cont. 0.04 AC M/L SALT LAKE ASE AND MERIDAN LYING WEST OF THE SEVIER RIVER. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States of America. 2. Minor Lot Subdivision Tlian W. Cooper, Sheriff of Garfield County, State of Utah BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH, RANGE 5 WEST, SALT LAKE BASE AND MERIDIAN AND RUNNING NOTICE TO WATER USERS THENCE N00 02'08"E 2731.21 FEET ALONG THE CENTER SECTION LINE TO The State Engineer received the following Application(s) in Garfield County THE CENTER SOUTH 1/16CORNER; THENCE S88 14'57."E 659.71 FEET ALONG (Locations in SLB&M). For more information or to receive a copy of filings, visit THE 1/16 LINE TO THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF HIGHWAY 89 AND A http://waterrights.utah.gov or call 1-866-882-4426. Persons objecting to an appliPOINT ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE cation must file a CLEARLY READABLE protest stating FILING NUMBER, ANDHIGHWAYWITHANARCLENGTHOF108.14FEET,ARADIUS OF 13159.84 REASONS FOR OBJECTION, PROTESTANTS' NAME AND RETURN FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 00 28' 15", AND S69 42'09"E BEARING TO THE ADDRESS, and any request for a hearing. Protest must be filed with the State RADIUS POINT TO THE POINT OF A COMPOUND CURVE TO THE LEFT; Engineer, Box 1463.00, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6300 on or before THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE AND HIGHWAY WITH AN ARC AUGUST 30,2006. These are informal proceedings as per Rule R655-6-2 of the LENGTH OF 16.35.08 FEET, A RADIUS OF 2964.93 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF Division of Water Rights. (The Period of Use is generally year-round except 31-36*59", AND S70 08'00"E BEARING TO THE RADIUS POINT, THENCE S22 irrigation which is generally from Apr 1 to Oct 31 each year.) 25'00"E 1082.36 FEET ALONG SAID HIGHWAYTOTHE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NEW APPLICATION(S) SECTION 5, THENCE N89 50'55"W 922.42 FEET ALONG THE SECTION LINE 97-2295 (A76485); Anthony or Dot A. Coombs propose(s) using 1.73 ac-ft. TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THE ABO VE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS from groundwater (Near Boulder, UT) for IRRIGATION; STOCKWATERING; 36.205 ACRES MORE OR LESS. DOMESTIC. CHANGE APPLICATION(S) THE WATER WE DRINK 61-1951(a30786): USA Bureau of Land Management propose(s) using 0.005 PANGUITCH CITY cfs. from the Ayer Spring (3.5 miles NW of Bear Valley Jc) for The 2005 Annual Water Quality Report is available at the Panguitch City Office. STOCKWATERING. This report is designed to inform you about the quality of the water and services we 61-2660(a30788): Randy W. and Ladonna Koeller propose(s) using 0.0032 cfs deliver to you every day. Our constant goal is to provide you with a safe and or 0.25 ac-ft. from groundwater (2 miles East of Cedar Breaks) for DOMESTIC. dependable supply of drinking water. We want you to understand the efforts we 61-2707(a31757): Michael and Virginia Sullivan propose(s) using 0.5 ac-ft. from make to continually improve the water treatment process and protect our water groundwater (Long Valley Junction) for IRRIGATION. resources. We are committed to ensuring the quality of you water. Our water EXTENSION(S) sources are Delong Creek Springs, Indian Hollow, and the Panguitch City Well. 61-2675(al4721-34): Thomas M. and Colleen M. Seifman is/are filing an exPanguitch City has a Drinking Water Source Protection Plan that is available for tension for 0.25 ac-ft. from groundwater (6 miles SW of-Hatch) for IRRIGAreview to our customers at our office. It provides more information such as poten- TION. tial sources of contamination and our source protections areas. 61-1560(al6703): Steven L.,FieIding, Walter V, and Anna Pinjuv, Nicolienne We're pleased to report that our drinking water is safe and meets federal Francois, Rob Parsons, Huston and Barbara Sanders, John D. and Barbara J. and state requirements. Ashton, Bronco Leasing, Al Davis, Shawn Daws, T. David Dockstader jr, Doughty This report shows our water quality and what it means to you, our customer.. If Family Trust, David Gillie, Jerry Lynn and Mary Lue Lewis, Mammoth Creek you have any questions about this report or concerning your water utility, please Trust, William H. and Carolyn Doughty, Wayne F. Schwalbach, Colin Craig and contact Panguitch City at (435) 676-8585. We want our valued customers to be Diane Jane Weir, John Wisecarver is/are filing an extension for 0.33375 cfs or informed about their water utility. If you want to learn more, please attend any of 26.25 ac-ft. from groundwater (6 miles SW of Hatch) for IRRIGATION. our regularly scheduled meetings. Tliey are held the second and fourth Tuesday of 61-1392(a7016a): Kane County Water Conservancy District is/are filing an exeach month beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Panguitch City Office at 25 N. 200 E. in tension for 1.564 cfs or 238.69 ac-ft. from the Strawberry and Unnamed Spring Panguitch. (Duck Creek Area) for DOMESTIC. Panguitch City routinely monitors for constitutes in our drinking water in accor- 61-2664(a7016ab): Kane County Water Conservancy District, Strawberry Valdance with the Federal and Utah State laws. The report is the results of our monitor- ley Investment Corporation is/are filing an extension for 0.431 cfs or 65.77 ac-ft. ing for the period of Jan, 1 to Dec. 31, 2005. ; from the Strawberry and Unnamed Spring (Duck Creek Area) for DOMESTIC. Again, a copy of this Consumer Confidence Report is available at the Jerry D. Olds, RE, STATE ENGINEER Panguitch City Office. Published in The Garfield County Insider on AUGUST 3 & 10, 2006. |