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Show Page 3 ANTIMONY NEWS ...bx Betty Wiley Farmers have had rain on the hay. ter line. The Reservoir Water Board is Guess we aren't the only area with wet really pulling a lot of water for irrigation hay. I noticed some cut hay down by down the river. Hope we get lots of snow Richfield which had been turned and it and rain during the storage time this winter and spring. was in bad shape. Seth Porter, son of the Mike Porters, The Tebbs Contractors are here workwas advanced to the office of a Teacher ing on the new house that they are buildin the Priesthood. ing on the Otter Creek subdivision and On Thursday I noticed that the con- will also be building another in the subditract crew who will be putting in the new vision as soon as they finish this house. electric heating for the chapel, were g a The Travis Bloods are about ready to ting started with their blue prints to see bring in their new house up at Angle. They where everything goes. We will be so have been waiting for the well driller and happy to have this done before the win- finally they have found one, but will have ter sets in. to wait 2 weeks before they can come. Jennifer Wiley, Wade's wife, has had We also have a new family coming in her Dad, Chris, up in the Utah Valley Hos- as we will be having a new Park Ranger pital for surgery and they were bringing with his family, James Lowe with his wife him home to Richfield yesterday or to- and family. I don't have any more inforday. Wade Wiley will be coming home mation about where they lived before from the same hospital on August ll lh . moving here but by next week we should We are so excited, and hope everything know more. will work out and he will be home. He Marcia's granddaughter , Chy Ann has been up in the hospital since last part Ricketts has spent the summer here and of May. Thanks to everyone's help and worked at Ruby's Inn with her grandconcern. mother but now it is time to go back to Van & Betty Wiley and Marcia Las Vegas as Chy Ann will be going to Tobiasson went to Provo, Utah for two college to use her scholarship at the colappointments for Van. Roma W. Henrie lege in Las Vegas. She leaves on August Ih met us and we all visited with Wade Wiley 8 . Her mom, Charla Ann and Tom and his Dad, Bill, who is taking his shift Ricketts will be glad to have her home. to stay with Wade. Coming here to go with their grandIn case you haven't noticed, the Ot- motherj Marcia Tobiasson, to the Fair in ter Creek Lake has really dropped the wa- Junction were several grandchildren. Dustin Brindley's 2 children, Ladd Brindley's 3 children. Wade Wiley's 2 boys and Chase and Stachia and family. Boulder The kids loved riding the bucking bull Mountain machine. Realty, Inc. Julie Allen and children flew out to Macon, Georgia on Monday to visit with her parents and Shannon Allen flies out on 245 East Main Thursday to join them and all will fly back home on Monday. P.O. Box 9? Torrey 425-3*00 wwvKbouldermountainrealty.ooni Cathy Bagley, principal broker Dean Gledhill - Sales Agent Escalante. 826-4378 •afifett0fcw4t.tUNMtt.Utt NICE YARD. Three bedroom manufactured home on half acre lot south of town on Center Street. Nice views, city water and attached garage. Built in 1996. $105,000. . . MAIN STREET LOT. Tidy older home with five bedrooms on yh acre lot. Convenient location with possibilities. $95,000. - -:;;;> ONE OF THE BETTER FARMS IN THE VALLEY. Good fences and corrals. 61 acres mostly in alfalfa. 25 shares of irrigation water. Citywater. V^.-..;-••;..•...^-^;. •-,..-:•. $300,000. '• •'••" •'*••'"'•'••':• ' ESCALANTTE RANCH. 415 acres. Alfalfa, improved and native pasture. All equipment included. Call listing office for more detailed Information and photos. $625,000 \ , '•Z-:>K$*' AUGUST 10,2006 THE GARFIELD COUNTY INSIDER '''' ' vE-N&'':--:Q: ALL ABOARD! Our Brace Caboose is now making life easier for our patients in outlying communities: Beaver, Bicknell, Circleville, Delta, Ephraim, Filimore, Gunnison, Manti, Miiford, Junction, Monroe and Salina. On days we're in the mobile office, our office phone is forwarded to us, so we can still be reached. 1-888-BRACEME 150 E 200 N • Richfield, UT VEDA HALE STUDIO AND GALLERY ORIGINALS AND PRINTS ALSO FEATURE1NG OTHER NOTED LOCAL ARTISTS WALLACE LEE, LVNN GRIFFIN, RANDSOM OWENS VALERIE ORELEMANN, ELODIE MCGUIRK, NEUC1LE YARDLEY 6 3 N. MAIN, PANGUTTCH, UT 6 4 7 5 9 435-676-2695 Vedahale@yahoo.com Bring this ad and receive a 10% Discount NATIONAL FOREST TO SELL RESIDENTIAL SITES The Fishlake National Forest announces two residential sites will come up for sale at an on-line auction to begin on August 14,2006. Interested buyers should visit the General Services Administration (GSA) website at http:// propertvdisposal.gsa.gov/Property/PropforSale/DoSearch.asp?State=UT. Photos and other information about the properties can be viewed there. The homes were formerly living quarters of some Fillmore and Loa Ranger District employees. The property addresses are 245 S. 200 W., Fillmore, Utah and 90 S. 100 W., Loa, Utah. In the past, the Forest Service provided some housing in communities where affordable housing was not readily available VEATER TURNS 80 for their employees. The Fishlake is The Wife, Children, Grandchilselling these homes now because addren, and Great Grandchildren of equate housing is being provided by the Ralph H. Veater would like to wish private sector in the communities where him a happy 80th birthday. Ralph these sites are located. was born in Price Utah on August The properties are being sold under 1st 1926 to Ruland and Bernice the Forest Service Facilities Realignment Veater. He is the father of five and Enhancement Act. According to boys, David, Wallace, Daryl, RobSteve Rodriguez, Forest Engineer, 'The ert, and Jeff. He has 23 grandchilgreat benefit of this act is that the funds dren and 24 great grandchildren. generated from the sale of the properRalph retired from Kiabab Inties will come back to the forest. We dustries, loves farming and "tinkcan spend that money for maintenance ering" on all kinds of equipment. on some of our other buildings, or possiHe loves the outdoors especially bly new construction." hunting with his family. Best of all The on-line auction will last for at he is willing to help anybody at least two weeks, then GSA may close anytime being a great example to the auction early if no new bids are reall those that know him. ceived for a period of 24 hours. For We love you, Your Family more information, call Linda Perry, GSA,phone(817)978-4246.. .-. |