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Show lege a Wasatch Canyon Reporter Save Our Canyons LASALIN SPRING | Notes Continued from page 2 of rocks and plants. These CONTINUED claims could then be upgrad- monument.” Bennett is trying to con- ed to a real, paved, vince wilder- ness-killing highway— regardless of if the “road” is ‘in a protected area or not. Bumpers of ’ Senator Arkansas is outraged by this sneaky move, and will be offering an amendment to take out this rogue road plan. ee Please. Cull WOUs Senator and ask him/her to support the Bumpers Amendment. to stop states from being allowed to plow roads through our National Parks, Refuges, Forests, and ~ Wilderness. Areas. The TOLL FREE number to reach your senator is 800962-3524, #** Bennett’s S 357 Hearing Subdued provides — Entertainment As you know, the Senate it the more sedate partner to the House, and Thursday’s hearing on a bill to “codify” the monument designation reflected it. Virtually the same witnesses as on the House side only two days the whole senate to pass a bill that would specifi- holders meeting were greeted by a couple dozen activists from as far south as Georgia, handing out pictures and fact sheets about both the planned oil development in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and another plan ment of a management plan for the monument in general, ing white.[Ed. Note: Is this and Sen. Bennett’s S 357 in for real? Oreo filling?| The story of -DuPont’s environmental insensitivity was specifics. SUWA attorney Scott Groene cut through the ‘comity when it was his turn, saying the bill would “gut the widely reported. Alta Community Enrichment (ACE), the local arts and entertainment provider in Alta, has blazed new territory during the past month. First, ACE went in front of the March 1997 Alta Town Council, were a $750.00 funding alloca- tion was approved to assist ACE’’s incorpora- tion and non profit filling status, Utah with and the the state of Internal board of director’s elec_ tion as required in April. Beth O’Riely was elected as President, with Sandra Conger selected as Vice President. These positions will positions information Utah Arts Council staff. (801) Town Secondly 742-3522. held hotline at | 742-0830 or the of Alta at (801). RT if only I could teach Tenaya to drive, I could do this all of the time...... close on my heels, I arced one sweet, smooth - spring turn. The snow rolled off my edges as I pressured one ski and then the other. Nothing _ interrupted the sound of whooshing snow and wind except the gleeful bark of my dog as we raced. We were in the moment. And it was all worth it- the money spent on gear, the hours in the car, the lack of sleep. I was with good (and my “best friend”), in the most beautiful place, doing what I love. The only thing missing was the man I love. - Two thousand vertical feet later we skating to the parking lot. 3 I crashed out again in the Jeep as we Chandler’s. rode When back to I woke, I questioned the reality of the day - spent spring skiing in Moab. My friends chuckled, feeling me, I might have sworn all a great dream. “a ‘ the hour drive to Salt Lake ahead of it was | I watched the La Sals recede as I made my way out of town. Tenaya lay fast asleep on the ee aA\Uae ava \S/ utran = THANKS FOR A GREAT YEAR - see you next Fall! and another wonderful year of The Wasatth Canyon Reporter! Look for us next season work would not be the same. I’d be physically wasted. I would also be one experience richer. The ski season may have ended in most places but you can find | similar experiences if you look | Thanks for 2 GREAT SEASON Next to Alta Sports in the Albion Day Lodge passenger seat. We both had had our day. Monday morning at |. mek: Page 12 Se around, take the chance and venture out. Now, erage on the ridge to play safely. With Tenaya ~ | muscles. Had I not hada four- the assistance of the ACE, out- our beacons in transmit mode. The below us consisted of untracked snowwith a few scattered rocks. Our run funinto a gully but there was enough cov- formal essary paper work, with Ace spread bowls fields neled until and art. For a in Moab gets after it in the buff Photo by Stacey Thorum © skins and inserts in our packs, clicked in and same buzz in their minds and current schedule of summer activities call the Service. another. It was time to ski! We stashed the interim election are held in mid November. With a successful season now under its belt, ACE looks forward to a entertaining summer season of activities without licorice.) When we had caught our breath, Stacey, Chandler and I smiled at one be has just finished the nec- Revenue stable. In very warm weather, you take the chance of a wet slide where 4 slow-moving, heavy slab breaks away and flows through a gully you’re skiing. Stay on the ridges, da. Off we went! 7 | _ friends ACE CLImBs HIGHER The PAGE & cally allow oil and gas development, mining, and timber Tenaya, my Australian Shephard, led the logging WITHIN the Grand way, punching through the spring crust that Staircase-Escalante National blanketed the ground beneath the pines and Monument. The funny thing Aspens. Still, she could hardly contain her is Bennett swears he is only excitement. No watershed restrictions, no trying to “clear up”. what leash (don’t tell anyone), no strangers in sight President Clinton meant to disturb the serenity. I empathized. The when he declared the monumorning sparkled; the corn was pool-table ment. The not so funny thing smooth and aching to be carved. Soon, very is that Bennett’s serious. soon. Two hours and one hundred beads of We’ll keep you posted and sweat later, we reached the summit. The old, ask for help as the bill moves - weathered gentleman that had raced past us an through the Senate process. hour previous waved hello. He was perched DuPont Shareholders by two pines, well-rested and eating lunch by Get an Ear and Eye full the time we reached the peak. I need to exerShareholders arriving for cise more, I thought. We joined him for water the annual DuPont (parent company of Conoco) share- | and fruit and licorice. (No hike is complete of their’s to strip. mine the Okefenokee Swamp Wildlife Refuge, so they can get the mineral that makes Oreo fill- before discussed the develop- FROM oe ‘the | Salt Lake Roasting ©. 3206 ©. on 400 S$: See us again next fall an. Albion Day Lodge. 801-742-2500 | “— 7 |