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Show Wasatch Canyon Reporter SO AN aN Ns Ss e ee ge ws - As | SE # = we # 2 #a Bernat € i ard # eo a ah gee e me a a & A. oO %, ae a “ge Sry “agg » 2 eer Bug off...I’m channeling! March 21 - April 19 Now that your ducks are in a row, it is the perfect time to take flight. While your gaze can see further than most, beyond the horizon lies the curiosities you seek. But, like the end a rainbow, the horizon is an elusive place. The beauty and mystery lies in the search. Or you can just sit at home and watch the Discover Channel in your Lazy Boy recliner. le April 20 - May 20 Celebrate your birthday this year by throwing away the calendars, tossing your watch in the garbage and giving your TV to your favorite charity. The precise nature of this structured world no longer has you in its long tentacles. Rebellion is a legitimate reaction to the suffocating orderliness which offends you so. Fortunately, Utah is the ideal playground of the unrepentant rebel. | | oe May 2] - June 21 In order to launch into a successful summer, a well tested body and a well rested mind will be necessary. Utilize this spring season for more unorthodox pursuits and the rewards will last far into the future. Your need for lots of activity will lead to water | sports this year, but don’t give up on skiing until the snow is too brown, Ce June 22- July 22 Despite your well developed and much appreciated sense of humor, your fun factor has seen a decline lately. Fortunately you can rest easy since having foreseen your decline, you took action long ago to ensure your survival through a humorless ‘period. Stop making mountains out of molehills, or consider acquiring a new climbing rope. Bee July 23 - August 22 When alternative became de rigueur your lifestyle suddenly looked as if it were dictated by marketing executives. Now is the time to regain your individuality; with tattoos and body piercing not an option in this new age of alternative, consider instead geiting a job, an education or joining the military. 3 | . | Vee ee 23 - September 22 A purification of the soul is necessary and can only be achieved by a bloody Aztec-like ceremony. But since that seems unreasonable and a little messy, perhaps you can surf the Internet instead and find a chat room where you can spill your guts in a repulsive and boring testimonial fo the amusement and astonishment of others. ER eepeac ke 23 - October 22 It is very easy for you to rest on your laurels and enjoy your good fortune. But to do so will come at the expense of your adventurous and enterprising spirit. Remember, complacency is a realm of the bored. This month try to keep your recreational pursuits and income generating activities with- ; ke ‘ ca fans ag | 0 ae — : In legal limits.as lawyers may play a larger role in the near future than you might : ) ; think. sa - — October 23 - November 21 Now is the time pursue those long dormant desires to form a band and live the Rock and Roll Dream. With a chance to be worshipped ee by alll, rich as an emperor, oe and an artist to boot - go get yourself a Casio with programmable beats and a few kindred souls. If the literary giants stand taller than musicians in your view of the world, then start writing now and maybe one day you may find yourself published. Whatever your inkling, pursue it while your mind is still sharp. Do You DREAM OF... oe ¢ LEADING THE PACK WHILE BIKING THE WASATCH CREST TRAIL? 7 : 3 | November 22 - December 21 The fountain of fun you have been sip- ping from has barely begun to flow. Now is an opportune time to belly up and drink with the vengeance of a parched shipwreck survivor. Before you do, make ¢ SKIING HicH RUSTLER, OR BoaRDING Great Scott, | SUE tO eat some salt pills so you can retain some of that water. Doritos will do in a pinch. NON-STOP, FROM TOP TO BOTTOM? ¢ RUNNING THE SALT LAKE CLassic? | C | MAKE sate REALITY. ae 2 riOW: December 22 - January 19 Now is the time to stop beating around the bush, get yourself a chainsaw and go right through it. As a jack of all trades you might begin to focus on the more lucrative of your skills. A trade-off will be nec- essary, but if will not be without rewards. Now is a good time to befriend a black- With PERSONAL TRAINING. | smith, for that is the only way you will get rid of that ball and chain you’ve been INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED FITNESS PLANS, | lugging around. , ) ) AND CUSTOMIZED WORKOUTS WITH A ee Leste lalla brvraseny tien aa | f] “ONE ON ONE TRAINING ny : TANDEM TRAINING eGRouP TRAINING Upon REQUEST *AEROBIC, ANEOROBIC AND STRENGTH TRAINING ¢Post REHAB TRAINING , | _ KATHLEEN LEOPARDI 474-4537 QUARIUS January 20 - February 18 In the duplicitous time that we live in, some times the double negetives may not be what weren’t intended to confuse and deceive simpler minds. As an Aquarius you won‘t be unable to see through the smoke and mirrors to the substance of an issue and make the right call, but only after reading the fine print. Be aware that the worst white-outs on the slopes are no match for the wool pulled over some eyes, even in the bright light of Oye. ISCES February 19 - March 20 As the river of life flows ever downstream, take action to ensure that you do not wind up in a swirling eddy. If you are already eddied out in a whirlpool of your own design, the momentum necessary to spin yourself free will require discipline, determination and a little luck, Or you could make the best of the situation by employing a fishing tod to test the waters to see if any opportunities are swimming around. owe sll | ere Page 10 3 oe |