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Show Wasatch Canyon Reporter : 1 S Saye Our Canyons Notes on important environmental issues ey facing Utah - Courtesy of Wesley H. Odell Grand Staircase-Escalante National — would like to encourage the BLM Monument this time will be the Book Cliffs and the mysterious Deep Creek Mountains. Mail Gail at gshik- one for three — | gee ne com for more 22. : =f ..» 7 MNIA? (© READ A WHOLE ISSUE a | ae oa ae ad ~ | | thank coe Fy og gee SO — i a — | passion- ate, eloquent comments in support of the monument— you!! We wish you could read all the com- | ments | did....then “LT you | below). | like we again, can (see “Slick --I- | 9 Mh. aaa ~ thy Recipes Spatted We ns 7 Willie” move in September declaring a huge chunk of southern oe Utah to be protect“seed as the Grand Staircase-Escalante Outl | National - REI RR tive testimony robbed the Utah delegation of any _ chance to claim there is public opposition—an important victory. It also showed the supporters of wilderness designation the broad support southern Utah enjoys. Here’s the great part—in a few months, the official record of the hearing will be — finished and you will be able to request your own > FREE copy, and be able to see your comments (if you submitted them) in the record. We’ll let you know when they are ready. *** Meanwhile, a motion was passed to leave the record open for two weeks, so you can still submit comments in support of the monument— just forward them to the committee. Their email iS: resources.committee @ mail.house.gov *** ** | THE UGLY: RS 2477 Rogue Road Amendment Slipping into Flood Relief Bill— Please Help Get It Out! Alaska Senator Ted Stevens took advantage of a bill being rushed though to help out the people hurt by the flood in the midwest, to slip in a bad RS2477 amendment in hopes they will get swept along in — the rush to help out the flood victims. 672 (the Supplemental The bill, S Appropriations and “hordes of eastern- ers” descending on to be established by allowing a legal “right of way” Utah and messing up the lands. As opposed to the (road) to be established simply by the repeated passage of four wheel drive trucks, a path made by a pack animals, or minimal activities like the removal warnings Page 2 The presence of your posi- next Monday or Tuesday. This amendment would reinstate the “Hodel Policy”, which Secretary of Interior rescinded just last January. This policy was illegal from it’s inception, and encouraged widespread bogus road claims James V. Hansen (R-Utah) included hep ta 1990! Louise Rescissions Act of 1997) has moved out of committee and there could be a floor vote—as soon as ~Monument. - Chairman covera Apparently - Garfield County, Utah, is not a letter writter. She was one of the local witnesses but held back on her favorite line—about how the enviros come to town with 10 bucks and one pair of shorts and leave a week later without having changed either—but she was in good form nonetheless. The enviros are all — for people out on the land, she said, butut “people — The focus was President Clinton’s Lk =| ie g Note: cattle-turned-ostrich rancher from that graze on the land and actually help the land.” in ee e a Huh? Help the land?]. the. House First things first: to all of you who sent in your | a Monument Hearing Not ANYMORE. JUST T present [Ed. are rather messy animals, they are not like the cows" Le “ANAL SPEED WALKED ee | Hering : anyone Liston, ee ‘ Okef enokee _ letters in support of the monument. The fact that there were no letters in opposition wasn’t lost on a = 3 box (he didn’t even try to lift it) of letters, noting that here were thousands of é . Roadkill Report The Roadkill Rendezvous last a the YOUR for claims can be picked up at SUWA’s SLC office on May 20-22 from 7-9pm. The areas of emphasis octane was a great success. 100 activists met at me _peauniit Kodachrome Basin ae AIUE | enormous . ss | of ee _ — ; St plan Swamp Wildlife Refuge, so they can — get the mineral that makes Sie fi le ing white” monument is protected for its wilderness values, and not as wildcat venues. The number for the White House Comment Line is 202-456-1111. President Clinton’s e-mail address is: <presi| -- dent@ whitehouse. gov>. Vice President Gore’s e“mail address is: <vicepresident@ whitehouse. gOv>. ) ; to another Se ws their's William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton to make sure the 4 and of | * to do the right the White House and leave a message for President — in the Ist. This is a crucial test for the monument. We thing, and deny DuPont a permit to drill. Please call | oil development ; ‘ a the planned is = out pictures and fact sheets about both — expanded. They used the same doom and gloom, we’ re-gonna-go-broke-cause-you-locked-it-up rhetoric then, and were wrong then too. Rep. Hinchey also introduced into the record an fo from as far south as Georgia, handing where you come in DuPont (Conoco) has filed a petition to drill for oil on the federal section as well. The BLM says they will issue a decision on July SS a ee > Leta » ee: owned by YOU and managed by the BLM. This is ¥ - < | = osc Editor's Note: The following is an Wacleckod | days of seeing the land and working to protect it. 75 ~. planned but now lacked huge coal mine with 44and mostly unedited collection of our favorite e- ~ road claims made by counties across our wilderness _ ton trucks passing each other every.six minutes, 24 mails from the folks on the front lines trying to save __ proposal were painstakingly inventoried. A story hours a day for 30 years? How does this man. keep OUR planet from the likes of Jim Hansen and his appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune about the effort getting elected? | We 3 , by a reporter who went along with one “roadkill One Pepescaye helped set the mood, calling DuPont’s Drill Rigs—What Happens Next? crew.” The next big road inventory push will be environmentalists“ the new communists, the new As you all know we have been-pouring the calls = memorial day weekend. Packets and instructions socialists.” Rep. Maurice Hinchey brought some into DuPont, pleading with them not to drill for oil levity to the proceedings by reading a long list of on the state section of land inside the Grand _ “Shareholders arriving for the _ condemnation for the monument from Utah elected Staircase-Escalante National Monument on which officials, going on for five minutes without pause. annual DuPont (parent company of they have been given permission by the state of He then took a breath, and noted that every quote he Conoco) shareholders meeting were Utah to drill. There is another side to this—the fedhad read had been from the 1960’s, when eral land. 90% of the land in the new monument is greeted by a couple dozen activists — - Canyonlands and Capitol Reef National Park were |