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Show 3 | : 7 ie = May 1997 © Wasatch Canyon Reporter Volume Ill, Issue & A May 1997 Bargain! Bargain! Bargain! a ae This is your first time to get subscriptions at the new low price of ENVIRONME hm OCm Meme the cash. Make your checks payable to: SO a WU Ca (a3 OMe ea) A BCC mtn <a 2 ar 1104 Ashton Ave STE 204, Salt Lake City UT 84106-2374 ONION CREEK RIDE ALTERNATIVE Sports — New MepiA Review amanda a CiDRY 6 se eee SKIING THE LA SALS Zip PAPA p Yo f LSS ' Publisher Editor The Mystic Online Editor | 3 Real Estate Editor Alexander “Alex” Miller (AlexanderMiller@juno.com) “dill (We don't take them - but we'll use it to pay for a couple of | en as Jack “CoverBoy”Popowich Brian “FStop” Millenbach Sales Manager Steve “NeedLifelnsurance?” Mayer (mayeroutw.com) P | | ~—TESSONS* TANDEM FLIGHTS * EQUIPMENT SALE 7 IGIr fa 6 = oe : Hee rater at | /\IL chool, alincar l ce, | . es e 1esson. Hag ! eee et 5 53-1834 ‘all now: : ES 5 eae Headquarters -wrcr.corm Page 3 ig oductory less i are eal ' 5 e a ' a : a e it. ! Ly fg : oa Uro pe oga sae in ee s : S [> EC moe - located at . 41104 Ashton Avenue, Suite 204 Salt Lake City UT 84106-2374 Voice 801-486-1388 Facsimile 485-2735 Our never-changing website: Www Vv | 8 (Une) Q. © world 5 fave as it Ke me e. ) eae a in : ee - 4 rs U | | ae U | Accountant R.J. “InkSpot” Penner Peanut Carolyn “Julie”. Baker WCR Legal Squad Brady “Tort” Toensing, ESQ (BradyToensinggjuno.com) EJ. “WillSueForFood” Carroll, ESQ (ejcS@prodigy.com) Copy Editor Ho Ho Ho... The Finest Plumber Johnny “Goombah’” Olsen Canyon Reporter are THE FINE PRINT: Warning: All the employees of the Wasatch the activities described ee condition and are pany trained in incredible athletes in top p weight, you risk and depicted in the pages of this newspaper. Unless you train like a bantam less pomenang jor looking are you If us. with up keep to try you if death or injury catastrophic activities pis up @ gopy ot the opens Guide or stay on the couch. FANCY YOURSELF We SHUTTERBUG? The WCR welcomes all writers& photographers. OR WRITER GREAT This paper is staffed mostly with do not, unfortunately, pay much. Well, anything, a and volunteers except for the crack advertising sales team. hey are handsomely rewarded in that, call 486.1388. Letters to interested If all live in huge houses and drive Range Rovers. we a if it has your name the “Editor” Should go to the address below. We publish every one right to edit for Clarity and and address and you go easy on your enemies. We reserve the Canyon length - and to belittle the writer. Don’t dish it out if your can’t take it. TheWasatch a month all year. The twice sometimes or once published Reporteris a community newspaper error’ (Thomas next issue comes out in about a month. Our motto: “Delay is preferableare to mailed or handJefferson) - although we usually have plenty of both. 12,000 Issues the lower 48, and ivered to a wide variety of people and places in and around our canyons,Printed partiallyon that. all and ©1997 material All Kong). Hong to goes issue the world (one the new ones, recycled paper. In the unlikely event there are old papers left when we deliver member a and John of permission written without brilliance our swiping No those. recycle we publication of our tough and humorless legal squad. The opinions expressed in this of august humor. Try to find are those of the writer. A surprising number of people lack a good sense above, accuracy is not yours if you’re feeling grouchy. Until you see a “Fact Checker’ listed moose. Caveat nae - heck, we can’t even tell the difference between an elk and a article and send an type yet, better Or letter. a write Emptor. If you don’t agree with something, for unsolicited it to us.We might run it if it doesn’t stink, but remember: We do not pay money sending keep Katie, contributors. WCR accorded fame material, your reward is the incredible photo. Please call before the cookies! Be sure and include a photo release if youre Sena WordPertect, Word, use We fruit.” for “formatted disks those of mailing us anything on one have an QuarkXpress& many other programs for Windows 95/NT but don’tonlyeven palosnien copy. If you us your Apple in the office..Submissions will not be returned so do not it send return to not but it, - and use enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope we'll aperedne your stuff. TO SUBSCRIBE: $25 for about a year, $45 for two, $1000 fora lifetime subscription - to: WCR, 1104 ASHTON AVE, STE 204, SLC UT 84106-2374. | | | ae ee eed ae oe or | | | : y, | 5 3 | 9 % | Craig “Marshal” Dillon (cvdillon@utah-internet) | icreeeeeieeen ee eran eccceccoc= 3 es “Mrs.Mayer” Adler Marta Heilbrun Photographers Stacey Thorum 3 OS Ba | | Contributors The Mysterious TK } q a John Bresee (jbresee@compuserve.com) David Charles Baker (davidbaker@davidbaker.com) Ron “ByeBye” Pinner (TheMysticgjuno.com) Evan “StuntBoy” Dillon (EvanDillongjuno.com) Environmental Editor Creighton “Papa” Hart . ae months of www.smutking.com) SnowMan Craig “AvalancheAvenger” Gordon Sports Editor David “MountainMan’ Peck (peckdave@aol.com) ; 4 aR Card Credit Cover Photographer: Jack Popowich Subject: We don’t know, but last issue it was Wendy Bevins. Thanks to all of you concerned readers who let us know! 1 MAMRPAPHAPAAPAPDABDAAPSBAABDBAABAADA® h ide = 6 te : |