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Show ‘Wasatch Canyon A SLEW OF HOT NEW MAGAZINES ARE COMPETING. FOR THE ADRENALINE 2 Sars re eres DOLLARS With titles like Gravity, Boards in Motion, and Freeze the magazine rack next to the dunny is starting to fill -with thrilling sounding new magazines. But, we ask; What creators of these new mags were working on Merit Badges in newsletter writing. So with a slightly threatened and predatory adrenaline sports world? Has tisers they will mature into an excel- the feeling Contra all a bit dishonest. dancing, in the and proprietary Showing It is with a little trepidation that we it § rip a collage shot of Scott Schmidt. Clearly saying “These images are who we are ..and yet we haven’t forgotten the old guard who created this market.” Inside MTV and Wired influenced layout ruled the day. Many pages were unreadable with walking; of the Freeze text blending too closely with the background. There were sev- with eral Paragliding, We covered’ Wickersham Wall, excellent much Creek Skurfing and more while the articles, but McConkey-disease. these magazines change the world: too All over Shane exposure McConkey, of Seth | Morrison, Brad Holmes and Kent Kreitler. These guys are the best free skiers in WasgtchMountain 7 oe Cuene Bae : ae 9 PO eseS .& DELI& aleels Rae en a fresh ge. Mosel as Where the sandwich makers @ are POSITIVE. vegan located downtown@crossroad’s SLUT tl pital im OTe} oy incest Kelty Tents Vortex Backpacks ANANierle tem Nalgene Bottles richards street level 359-2400 no SE HWAG and more.... ose ete EWArafat) O74 5 -aa photo editor who knows his job. Excellent pictures, crisp, cool. He ought to break out a ball peen hammer and whup some of the people i in the art department who laid indecipherable text over his nice images. Just the photos please. C Gravity eves Plaza.sic from Gravity sourdough breads “KIND more eases fresh baked, real hearth, exita. SANDWICH even foul smelling detritus off of their noses. Freeze has one thing going for it...a of See Soe suffers McC-disease. Any deeper adulation and the editors would have to wipe suffered from a hyper product...but of us in the ski industry lead. Sleep Guide - and not exactly rife excitement. a Times-Mirror what the hell; Except for the cover this thing stunk on ice. This is a magazine bent on creating some kind of snowboard-like hostility for the ski world. With titles like “Die Tourist Scum” they attempt to. humorously capture the natural tension which can build between tourist and local...and they fail. Instead it is a thousand word rant against that which provides the cushy life most most importantly a head- without zone Freeze of images of big cliff drops, snowboarding, and Curling, mall lent alternative sports magazine. A- The cover of Boards in Motion #1 is to be appresends. there...but I dare you to mention Sports Guide (“Next Month: Our Annual Walking Issue!”) and adrensentence Boards In Motion ciated for the message Yes we know the Sports Guide is out same Tiger Beat adulation. Boards clearly does not have the big funding behind them of several of the other new rags, yet Boards in Motion has heart...and if they can get the adver- zines a read: once banal trip to the hopper become a joyous exploration of new media...or just mere expulsion. When we started the trusty WCR several years back we were the New Kids On The Block (editorially not rhythmically) and had Utah ownership of the adrenaline sports world. in the the world, but it felt reminiscent of demeanor we gave these maga- is below the surface of all these boyish testosterone filled slick rags? Are these the literary salvation for the ‘aline Reporter — 7 ee ee) ididiwichoa se ee is a magazine focused on...you it; gravity sports. is wrapped in a testosterone and so thick it is impossible to guessed Gravity haze of bullshit almost read the pages. Every fifth page or SO 9s" a picture OT can. “Extreme” sport. Listed on the edges are the statistics which the editors felt were paramount: Risk of ‘injury, and mortality rate are two of the categories. Ooooh, aren’t paragliders brave you risking death, I feel a swoon coming on. (risk listed as “high” in Gravity.) Gravity would Page have been 6 a |